
presentation video paper

For the Unit 5 assignment, you will write a three page reflective analysis paper about your presentation-creation process ( powerpoint on Being a manager. Your paper should be created using double-spacing, paragraph indention, and 1-inch margins. No citations are required unless quoting, paraphrasing, or sharing information that you have not originally created. If citations are included, follow APA […]

Communication Barriers and Dynamics

Write a 10- to 15-slide presentation (Title slide and reference slide do not count towards slide count), in which you include the following: Explain various methods for overcoming language barriers as well as situational barriers when communicating with people in a criminal justice environment. Discuss the use of certified interpreters in a criminal justice setting. Explain […]

Telecommunications & Network Security

Network security Telecommunications & Network Security Case Project (Network Security Plan) The Acme Corporation is a new startup that wishes to sell their new phone, called Acmephone, to the public. Acmephone plans to offer two options. 1) a secure version of the phone designed for business organizations called the Acmephone B+, and 2) and highly […]

Technology in Criminal Justice Presentation

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation (Title slide and reference slide do not count towards slide count), in which you discuss the following: The impact and the effects of technology on communication within the criminal justice system The importance of communicating with the media and the public during critical incidents, and the procedures used for […]

Advertisers Appealing to Our Needs discussion for speech class

Identify an online image or video that demonstrates an example of how advertisers attempt to appeal to either the social needs or self-esteem need of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory”. Share the image or video in a discussion post (you may embed the media or post a link to it) In your post, defend how this example demonstrates the […]

Purpose of Assignment: This writing assignment is

Purpose of Assignment: This writing assignment is designed to help you apply the functions of language to your personal life. You will need to refer to Chapter 4: Verbal Communication pgs. 90 – 113 in order to complete this assignment.Directions: First, for each scenario, write a paragraph describing a typical communication exchange. For each of […]

oral communication 5

This week you will be delivering your elevator pitch. Imagine that you have 30 seconds in an elevator with an important executive at your workplace. You would like to take that time to ask them to support a local charity. Prepare an elevator pitch to the executive that advocates for your charity. It should be […]

How Personal Are Your Relationships? Journal

I uploaded questions and requirements on the attachment. I also uploaded some examples for you to understand more clearly. Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Unit IV Project Campaign Speech Read the following scenario, which is also Application 8.4 on page 146 of the course textbook. “Alcohol and drug abuse are associated with crime on the streets, healt

Unit IV Project Campaign Speech Read the following scenario, which is also Application 8.4 on page 146 of the course textbook. “Alcohol and drug abuse are associated with crime on the streets, health problems, the breakdown of the family, and poor job performance. Identify and solve the problem…” Create a campaign speech that employs creative, innovative strategies to both […]

Communication and Power The most important concept to the critical theorist is that of power.

Communication and Power The most important concept to the critical theorist is that of power. Power can be shaped and communicated in many different ways within an organization, and the way power functions in organizations affects how people behave within the organization. The critical approaches seek to examine the ways power functions in an organization, whose […]

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