
Dear’s, I am looking for (Marketing Not For profit Organization) Course material to teach for students in the second year with below details –

Dear’s,I am looking for (Marketing Not For profit Organization) Course material to teach for students in the second year with below details-  syllabus,-  lecturer guide-  6 power point presentations each 25 slides enhanced with pictures, graphs and videos   – Simple Case studies maximum 3 pages with solutions  – examples in Jordanian market Please provide me by […]

Essay Part 1 (15 points, due Tuesday, September 26) The beginning of a finished essay will include it’s main proposition, or thesis statement.

Essay Part 1 (15 points, due Tuesday, September 26) The beginning of a finished essay will include it’s main proposition, or thesis statement. But when planning an essay, you first need to establish a problem to be solved or question to be answered, either of which will later help compose your thesis. Part 1 of […]

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages if public-private partnerships in providing public services.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages if public-private partnerships in providing public services. Are there general public services that lend themselves to efficiencies provided by public-private partnerships? Explain. Are there general public services that you believe do not lend themselves to public-private partnerships? Explain. Are there services specifically provided by public safety agencies and organizations that can […]

What must the goods and/or services of a ‘For Profit’ firm do in order to assure an ongoing stream of revenue?

What must the goods and/or services of a ‘For Profit’ firm do in order to assure an ongoing stream of revenue? What is it that the goods and/or services of a ‘Not For Profit’ organization must do in order to assure an ongoing stream of contributions? In the end, what is the difference between the […]

Let’s modify the scenario from Q1 and Q2 a bit. Management estimates that the incremental promotion program required to generate sufficient demand to…

Let’s modify the scenario from Q1 and Q2 a bit.  Management estimates that the incremental promotion program required to generate sufficient demand to boost sales by 20% will need to be: Marketing Costs= $60,000 (exclusive of commissions)

The _____ profile of the average Groupon user is a 25-35 year old female with a median household income exceeding $65,000. psychographic. geographic….
1. Reflect on the theories and /or concepts that you learned this semester. Which theory do you think is the most useful outside of the classroom?In your answer, be sure to clearly explain the theory/

1. Reflect on the theories and /or concepts that you learned this semester. Which theory do you think is the most useful outside of the classroom?In your answer, be sure to clearly explain the theory/concept and explain why you think it will be useful. 2. Imagine the following scene: Your instructor angrily thrusts your research […]


Assignment 3: Communication Efficacy Being able to communicate effectively with employees and other stakeholders is an important skill for a leader or manager. Getting your point across is essential. Using the Argosy University online library resources, locate and read the following article: Rodman, L. (2001). You-attitude: A linguistic perspective. Business Communication Quarterly, 64(4), 9–25. Complete the […]

An increasingly important element of the promotion mix is the Internet, including Social Media such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter. Why?

An increasingly important element of the promotion mix is the Internet, including Social Mediasuch as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and Twitter. Why? As one marketer says, “We need to get in front of customers in the places where they are spending their time.” Assume the role of marketing director for a sports helmet manufacturer that produces […]

Administrative law judges conduct proceedings involving alleged violations of which of the following environmental laws?Administrative law judges conduct proceedings involving alleged violations of wh

Administrative law judges conduct proceedings involving alleged violations of which of the following environmental laws? 1.Clean Air Act (CAA) and Clean Water Act (CWA) 2.Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) 3.Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) 4.All of the […]

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