Computer Science



Please respond to the following: Recently, a U.S. Circuit Court upheld the enforceability of website terms of service (ToS), even though the user did not have to click-through to agree. Read “Second

Please respond to the following:  Recently, a U.S. Circuit Court upheld the enforceability of website terms of service (ToS), even though the user did not have to click-through to agree. Read “Second Circuit Scraps District Court’s Denial of Uber’s Motion to Compel Arbitration.” ( Identify one positive and one negative implication of this finding. Explain […]

Problem Description:

Problem Description: This assignment will give you practice with interactive programs, if/else statements, and methods that return values. Turn in a Java class named MITnnnnnGrades in a file named were MITnnnnn is your MIT ID. You will be using a Scanner object for console input, so you will need to import java.util.*; into your […]

project and the rubric, which explains how you will be graded

Activity: Methods Before You Begin: Go thoroughly read the SDI_Methods.pdf! That PDF contains the full instructions for this project and the rubric, which explains how you will be graded. Criteria: For each problem below you will need the following: • Label the section of code appropriately. • Create a custom method for each of the […]

Based on what you have learned about using unified communication platforms in

Based on what you have learned about using unified communication platforms in a collaborative environment, put together a 10-15 slide presentation to a department head or the CEO of a company, to convince the audience that this would benefit their business.  Pretend your company doesn’t have any unified communications platform.  Your object will be to pick a […]

Requirements spec

Requirements Specification for a Web based Bill Payment facility which allows your Case Study Company, GasEl’s domestic customers to view their utility bill on-line and to pay by Credit or Debit Card. Currently GasEl does not provide such a facility and this is causing operational problems with many customers contacting the Service Centre to pay […]

CSE205 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Homework 4 : 25 pts (13 bonus pts)

CSE205 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Homework 4 : 25 pts (13 bonus pts)1 Submission InstructionsCreate a document using your favorite word processor and type your exercise solutions. At the top of the document besure to include your name and the homework assignment number, e.g. HW4. Convert this document into Adobe PDFformat and name […]

CSE205 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Programming Project 3 :: 25 pts

CSE205 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures Programming Project 3 :: 25 pts1 Submission InstructionsCreate a folder named <asuriteid> where asuriteid is your ASURITE user id (for example, since my ASURITE user id iskburger2 my folder would be named kburger2) and copy all of your .java source code files to this folder. Do not copy […]

Write an application named UseInsurance that uses an abstract Insurance class and Health and Life subclasses to display different types of insurance policies

Write an application named UseInsurance that uses an abstract Insurance class and Health and Life subclasses to display different types of insurance policies and the cost per month. The Insurance class contains a String representing the type of insurance and a double that holds the monthly price. The Insurance class constructor requires a String argument […]

Design a class called SimpleCalculator using psudoecode that contains public

Design a class called SimpleCalculator using psudoecode that contains public methodsnamed add(), subtract(). Each of the methods accepts two numeric argumentsand returns a number that represents the result of the appropriate arithmetic operation.Design a sub-class of SimpleCalculator called Calculator using psudoecode thatcontains public methods named multiply(), and divide() and that defines private fieldscalled num1 and […]

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