

ErnestNyambane2017 assignment #4

Not sure which equations to use, where to start?

Oxygen flows into an insulated device with initial conditions as follows: p1 = 30 psia,T1 = 750°R, and V1 = 639 ft/sec. The area changes from A1 = 6 ft2 to A2 = 5 ft2.(a) Compute M1, pt1, and Tt1.(b) Is this device a nozzle or diffuser?(c) Determine M2, p2, and T2 if there are […]

Problem is shown below. Really not sure where to start, what equations to use?

Oxygen flows into an insulated device with initial conditions as follows: p1 = 30 psia,T1 = 750°R, and V1 = 639 ft/sec. The area changes from A1 = 6 ft2 to A2 = 5 ft2.(a) Compute M1, pt1, and Tt1.(b) Is this device a nozzle or diffuser?(c) Determine M2, p2, and T2 if there are […]

mass transfer

i need help with question 2 and 3 and 4 

Have to solve a problem in Thermodynamics

Have to solve the problem 4 in Thermodynamics only one problem you can find the problem in the attachment image 

A sheet of charge having ρs = 2 μC/m2 is at the plane x=3 in free space, anda line charge having ρL = 20 μC/m is located at x=1 and z=4. Find themagnitude of E at the origin. What is the direction

A sheet of charge having ρs = 2 μC/m2 is at the plane x=3 in free space, anda line charge having ρL = 20 μC/m is located at x=1 and z=4. Find themagnitude of E at the origin. What is the direction of E at (4,5,6). 

Exercise 1: 1 TABNAME COLCOUNT ROWCOUNT . DEPT 3 3 . EMP 4 4 .

Exercise 1:Fig. 1TABNAMECOLCOUNTROWCOUNT…….……..……..……..TABLENAMECOLNAME……DEPT# ……DNAME ……BUDGET …………ENAME …………SALARY…………As explained, the Catalog is self-describing-that is, it includes entries for the Catalog relvars themselves. Extend fig. 1 to include the necessary entries for the TABLE and COLUMN relvars themselves.Exercise 2:Give example of:a.A many to many relationship in which one of the participants is a weak entityb.A many to […]

At Dot Com, a large retailer of popular books, demand is constant at 32,000 books per year. The cost of placing an order to replenish stock is $10,…

At Dot Com, a large retailer of popular books, demand is constant at 32,000 books per year. The cost of placing an order to replenish stock is $10, and the annual cost of holding is $4 per book. Stock is received 5 working days after an order has been placed. No backordering is allowed. Assume […]

While visiting Zagreb, Croatia, Mr. Arthur Van de Lay visits the Mimara Art Museum and then takes in the great architecture of the city.

2-29. While visiting Zagreb, Croatia, Mr. Arthur Van de Lay visits the Mimara Art Museum and then takes in the great architecture of the city. He stops at a cafe in the old town and orders a bottle of mineral water. The reported chemical concentration of this water is: [Na+] = 0.65 mg/L, [K+] = […]

submit one example of SQL query with aggragte fuctions

submit one example of SQL query with aggragte fuctions

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