
Professional Communication

Week 7 Assignment 2.3     Week 7 Assignment 2.3 – Submit Here     Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” video in the Student Center.     Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.     Assignment 2.3: Justification Report – Part 3 (Final)     Due Week 7 and worth 180 […]

How does Douglass’s cultural point of view as a s

How does Douglass’s cultural point of view as a slave from the early 1800’s shape his motivation to become literate, yet also create obstacle from him? Provide at least two example from the text. Write at least 100 word response

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I need to learn french because people near by me speak french.Is there any site like Assignment Help. 

5 Drama Terms – Trifles By Susan Glaspell

•           After Reading Trifles Choose any five of the terms from the list below In bullet form, supply the term with an example of how that technique is being used in the play and why it is important to the play. EXAMPLE: •           Gesture: When Mrs Hale opens the box, she immediately puts her hand […]


Watch 18 mins video, answer 15 short questions https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story Watch this 18 minutes video in the link, and answer the 15 questions that you will find in the attachment. Make your answer clear and short as much as you can (The danger of a single story) https://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_adichie_the_danger_of_a_single_story Watch the video in the link, and answer these question. Make […]

Critical Thinking Exam

1.) Is the following argument valid or invalid?  If valid, explain whether it is deductive or inductive.  If invalid explain why: “Mrs. Kelvin has accused me of intentionally denting her rear fender.  I neither confirm nor deny this, however in telling her story she leaves out an important point.  As we were both leaving our driveways […]


Here is some questions she just posted it today   so when you finish editing for her comments then start working on this questions. It is like a checklist to make sure all the instructions ( Requirements ) in the essay. If the answer will be yes, just answer Yes. If the answer will be no, mark […]

ashley writer paper 2

2. Post a 300 word response on your experience with this stage of teenage development. Do you remember feeling like everyone was watching you, which made you feel self-conscious? Were you ever sensitive about what others were thinking about what your wore, what you drove, or what you looked like? Concerning personal fable, do you remember feeling like you […]

Ashley writer paper 1

Search about Erikson’s Intimacy vs. Isolation stage 2. Search the internet for information about Emerging Adults (sometimes called Twixters). After doing some research, tell when you think adulthood REALLY begins. When did it began for you and why? What do you think about this whole idea of “emerging” adults rather than adulthood when one turns 18? Or […]

Peer Review of Stance Essay Use this week’s discussion to give and get some helpful feedback on the final essay assignment. To begin, upload your draft as an attachment to a posting here as early in the week as possible. Incomplete drafts are acceptabl

Peer Review of Stance Essay Use this week’s discussion to give and get some helpful feedback on the final essay assignment. To begin, upload your draft as an attachment to a posting here as early in the week as possible.  Incomplete drafts are acceptable, but remember that the more complete the draft, the better the feedback […]

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