
Dr. Sidney Please #2

 Module 09 Written Assignment – Benefits of Social Media in the Workplace Think about the different types of social media that are used by organizations (Facebook, LinkedIn). In a 1-2 page paper, use the internet to research and talk about the following: What is social media? How are organizations using social media? What are the […]


Now that you have completed the Research Plan and the Stasis Model, we will begin the process of testing our argument and gathering more information specifically to support our position. Make sure that you gather good, credible information and that you cite your sources in the body of the outline. Please consult the examples folder […]

Assignment: Persuasive Memo Report

Sociology Assignment: Persuasive Memo Report [611 Words] Develop a persuasive memo report (no more than 2 pages— see example the attached PDF file that I uploaded ) from Dale Crompton to the Hartville City Council. As Kramer Associate’s representative, Crompton wants the Council to buy into his plan for solving problems associated with the Pavilion. […]


English 102: Rhetorical Analysis Genre: Analytical Length: 3-5 pages Format: MLA Speech to be used for this assignment: “I Have  Dream” by Dr. King: http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm Assignment:  Write a rhetorical analysis that analyzes a primary text. You may choose from the speeches in Blackboard or contact your instructor to request approval to analyze a different speech. If […]


English 102: Persuasive Essay Genre: Argument Length: 3-5 pages Format: MLA Textbook: The non-profit organization for this assinment is “The United Negro College Fund  Assignment Write a persuasive essay that aims to convince the reader to support a non-profit organization of your choice. Locate the non-profit organization’s website and gain background knowledge on their work. […]

international relations in the post cold war era

Hello, i have an international relations in the post cold war era class assignment needs help. The assignment (around 800 words) regards international relations theory, using Kenneth Waltz’s Structural Realism after the Cold War and Andrew Moravcsik’s Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics. Maybe the evidence lies within the text, or maybe […]

Research Project about mother nature(Two Parts (Research Proposal and 5 Annotated bibliographies))

Hi, you should choose a topic about mother nature. I will post course theme, you wll have an idea about it. Homework includes 2 parts which are. You should send me a copy of sources that you will use. I will upload sample proposal, and annotated bibliography. Also upload homework task. I am international student […]


English 102: Toulmin Method Essay With Annotated Bibliography Genre: Argumentative Research Essay Length: 5-7 pages Format: MLA Subject for assignment: PTSD in the Military  Assignment Write a 5-7 page research paper that follows the Toulmin method as discussed in your textbook (p. 410-412). Incorporate five sources as support for the claim. Each source that is […]

English 102 Journal 2

You are now engaged in a research project! This can be a very exciting and intimidating process, but you have a great support network to help you. Take just a moment to think about something you have researched in the past, and describe what that experience was like. What did you research? What were your […]

dr rocal journal 4192

So, what have you learned new so far (chapters 6-9)? Identify a concept/s that you were never aware of or have had more clarity provided by enrolling in this course. The concept must come from chapters 6-9; write about the topic focus on why it stood out to you. All submissions must be a minimum of […]

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