
the monthly income of a factory owner is $25500 a

the monthly income of a factory owner is $25500 and his monthly expenditure is$18000.Calculate zakat due on him

Community Engagement Strategy

Involving the public in the development of local environmental plan is as important as the evidence is increased to a credible point.  Programs that include the public have high chances of success. Through participation of the public, creats a sense of belonging and encourages responsibility among the community members. discuss

Professional Communication week 10 ass 4

Completing this assignment will help you name and identify the skills and abilities that will move your career forward. Develop a Job Application Cover Letter that highlights and emphasizes why you are the person most suitable for your ideal role. Use the general writing guidelines on pp. 277-278 in the text for structural and content guidance. Note: An example […]

summary respond essay from another writing from Book( Theys Say, I Say )   must include: 2-3 direct quotes from the book (…

summary respond essay from another writing from Book( Theys Say, I Say ) must include: 2-3 direct quotes from the book ( Theys Say, I Say ) work cited page 3 pages

What do the Great White Roots represent?

Read the excerpt from the Iroquois Constitution. Roots have spread out from the Tree of the Great Peace, one to the north, one to the east, one to the south and one to the west. The name of these roots is the Great White Roots and their nature is peace and strength. What do the […]

Post a 250-word response that explains the best perspective through which to define quality of life in a city. Choose from the following perspectives: Commerce Public Health Culture/Religion History

Post a 250-word response that explains the best perspective through which to define quality of life in a city(NewJersey). Choose from the following perspectives: Commerce Public Health Culture/Religion History In your post, be sure to: Use the place you live(New Jersey) to provide real-life examples of how quality of life can be measured. resources Read “The Secrets of […]

In which area of your daily life do mass communication and other forms of communication overlap? How has mass communication become integral to the things you do? What is your preferred media channel for communication? Refer to 2 specific examples from you

In which area of your daily life do mass communication and other forms of communication overlap? How has mass communication become integral to the things you do? What is your preferred media channel for communication? Refer to 2 specific examples from your course reading and record in your assignment information about each source, including author, […]

read and write

read chapter 1 to chapter 4 . write 1000 words to this paper. remeber this is your thesis, write your idear not summary it.  therer have 3 part to do it.  first write three version of your thesis, these three version can be one idear of three part. write this for the first page. you […]


I have a research I already wrote it I need some hlep (synthesis) the reaserch based 5 sources  1- intrduction  (I have) 2- Mapping Paragraph There are many ways of looking at my topic STATE TOPIC, but I have focused my research to five articles that represent the many scholarly sources on this topic.  Note the author and […]

Stella by starlight

How does Stella by starlight relate to to kill a mockingbird 

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