
Creative Assignment

Hello, I’ve taken a few pictures from the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) and you must pick one Item in the picures and write about it. There is 2 parts to the assignment, first part is 400 words, and the second is 300 words. For the second part your going to have to write a little […]

Article Assignment for Dr. Smith Harvey

Hello, I have attached the assignment below with the instructions and the example article. The assignment must be 1 page long and you must use one of the sources listed in the assignment instructions. The article you choose must also be similar to the Example Arcticle. Just like the other assignment this is also due […]

short essay

You will write three essays in all. The essays should be typed with double-spaces. For the 10-point essays, think of a paragraph or two, and for the 20-point essays aim for three or more paragraphs. 1) Describe the three basic types of music heard in original scores during the silent film era and cites specific examples […]

Yoko and Armand ____________the test.now they can

Yoko and Armand ____________the test.now they can relax. Correct form of verb in present perfect tense

SEI 301 Week 3 DQ 2

This file of SEI 301 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 includes: What aspects of the ELL program support effective school/community/home partnerships after reviewing the ELL program in a school system by conducting research online, by phone, or in person? What improvements or additions would you make to the ELL program to increase support for effective […]

1.09 Macbeth Plot Analysis Quiz

1.09 Macbeth Plot Analysis QuizWarning: There is a checkbox at the bottom of the exam form that you MUST check prior to submitting this exam. Failure to do so may cause your work to be lost.Instructions: Remember to use the Macbeth Plot Analysis Graphic Organizer!Question 1 (Multiple Choice Worth 10 points) Which of these lines provides important information for the […]

Citing an EPA order

I need help on how to cite EPA Order 1110.2 using the APA style  Here is a copy of it that I found but I just need help citing it in APA style:  https://archive.epa.gov/epa/aboutepa/epa-order-11102-initial-organization-epa.html

ultimate writher

Write a response that reflects on this week’s reading assignment. You may also include reflections about the assessment logs (the exercises that are part of your reading assignment) and/or the course lecture. I am looking for a thoughtful, well-written entry that demonstrates your individual perspective. The reflection must be a minimum of one paragraph to […]

Three of the options include a problem with incorrect or unclear pronoun usage. Please select the one option that does…

Three of the options include a problem with incorrect or unclear pronoun usage. Please select the one option that does not have a problem with incorrect or unclear pronoun usage. Question 1 options: a) The chief executive officer of the company, Stan Smith, and his chief financial officer, George Jones, had disagreements at the company […]

Why might a writer feel compelled to write about literature? How does it benefit us personally and/or professionally?

As we explored in the “Why Read Literature?” discussion, literature can provide us with a multitude of perspectives, ideas, and experiences. Additionally, there is a long tradition of critical reading and writing about literature (i.e., analyzing literature to seek a deeper understanding about various interests and concerns). Chapter 2 focuses on these ideas. Your initial […]

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