
Watch this first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4frsp-rR6c Respond to the questions below. Points will be based on the depth of your analysis. CRITICAL: Always show HOW you are connecting your ob

Watch this first: Respond to the questions below. Points will be based on the depth of your analysis. CRITICAL: Always show HOW you are connecting your observations with your interpretations. Let’s pretend that this is your primary source. How will you analyze it? Remember: to analyze means to break it down. This is not about opinions. First, […]

Imagine you are the judge hearing the case brought against John Brown. Given what you know about the historical facts surrounding John Brown’s efforts to end slavery and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s philosop

Imagine you are the judge hearing the case brought against John Brown. Given what you know about the historical facts surrounding John Brown’s efforts to end slavery and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s philosophy of Transcendentalism, write an essay of at least 250 words that describes the ruling you would make on the charge of treason.

Please read all the information on the attachment files to answer the questions. New Orleans to Chicago Worksheet 1. 1. In what ways did early jazz bands differ from their Ragtime, Brass band and

Please read all the information on the attachment files to find the answer to the questions.  New Orleans to Chicago Worksheet 1.     1. In what ways did early jazz bands differ from their Ragtime, Brass band and Blues predecessors? (List was given) 2.     What instruments make up a typical traditional New Orleans jazz band (Dixieland […]

I need 10 different Haiku, please dont plagiarise, I will check 1. Follow 5-7-5 syllabic structure 2. Keep in the present tense 3. Provide an astute description (like a painting or pho

I need 10 different Haiku, please dont plagiarise, I will check  1.      Follow 5-7-5 syllabic structure 2.      Keep in the present tense 3.      Provide an astute description (like a painting or photograph) of some scene that evokes feeling on part of the reader 4.      Do not describe a feeling (e.g., “he is happy”), but a […]

I need 10 of these 1. Follow 5-7-5 syllabic structure 2. Keep in the present tense 3. Provide an astute description (like a painting or photograph) of some scene that evokes feeling

I need 10 different Haiku, please dont plagiarise, I will check  1.      Follow 5-7-5 syllabic structure 2.      Keep in the present tense 3.      Provide an astute description (like a painting or photograph) of some scene that evokes feeling on part of the reader 4.      Do not describe a feeling (e.g., “he is happy”), but a […]

Part 1. Post a news article or video that you think exemplifies a questionable teacher behavior AND explain why it is inappropriate or questionable. If you really want to hit close to home, search fo

Part 1. Post a news article or video that you think exemplifies a questionable teacher behavior  AND explain why it is inappropriate or questionable. If you really want to hit close to home, search for one in Florida!  Part 2:  The following information (Yes.  It is lengthy!) provides my rationale for the kind of thinking I want […]

This discussion looks at school funding through a different lens: support to students in transition. We all want to see homelessness and hunger eradicated, but what is the cost of that? In terms of

This discussion looks at school funding through a different lens:  support to students in transition.  We all want to see homelessness and hunger eradicated, but what is the cost of that?  In terms of schools, what do students in transition need?  Who pays for that?  You, the teacher?  The school?  The district?  The county or […]

As a narrator, the Wife of Bath comments extensively about the various answers to the knight’s question. What do her comments reveal about her own values and ideas?

As a narrator, the Wife of Bath comments extensively about the various answers to the knight’s question. What do her comments reveal about her own values and ideas?

DISCUSSION: Proposed Social Issues Topics and News Links1212 unread replies.1212 replies. This semester, you will research a social issue. For our purposes, a social issue is a problem that affects a

DISCUSSION: Proposed Social Issues Topics and News Links1212 unread replies.1212 replies. This semester, you will research a social issue. For our purposes, a social issue is a problem that affects a number of people within a society. A social issue is typically one that people want to try and solve. Importantly, social issues are “issues” because people […]

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