
I need in a writing an essay in English 123 Composition 2 Discussion: Annotations and writing plan workshop

I need in a writing an essay in English 123 Composition 2  Discussion: Annotations and writing plan workshop

Part A Using the major objectives identified in one of the four curricula discussed in Lesson 5 (HighScope, Creative Curriculum, Core Knowledge, or Tools of the Mind), create a short learning opport

Part A Using the major objectives identified in one of the four curricula discussed in Lesson 5 (HighScope, Creative Curriculum, Core Knowledge, or Tools of the Mind), create a short learning opportunity for a 5-year-old child in the kindergarten class that you teach. Begin by identifying three objectives that you might use for instruction. Once […]

Could you write a 1000-word essay about your thoughts after watching two noh plays (Japanese traditional musicals)?

Could you write a 1000-word essay about your thoughts after watching two noh plays (Japanese traditional musicals)? (I will provide you the links).

The speech I chose is Barack Obama’s Newtown massacre speech. These are the questions I need help with. What is Obama’s main message or goal in giving this speech? Does he state it directly, or imp

The speech I chose is Barack Obama’s Newtown massacre speech. These are the questions I need help with. What is Obama’s main message or goal in giving this speech? Does he state it directly, or imply it? How does he connect with his audience? What evidence does he provide to support his message? In general, […]

“THE PINK-RIBBON TRAP” BY BARBARA EHRENREICH AND BARBARA BRENNER ON THE WASHINGTON POST 1. What did you think of Ehrenreich’s and Brenner’s argument? Did it change your mind about something? Do you di

“THE PINK-RIBBON TRAP” BY BARBARA EHRENREICH AND BARBARA BRENNER ON THE WASHINGTON POST 1. What did you think of Ehrenreich’s and Brenner’s argument? Did it change your mind about something? Do you disagree/agree?  2. How would you describe the writers’ general tone (their attitude, meaning they might sound smug, easygoing, hopeful, etc. etc.)? Find two moments in the article […]

Hi, I need someone to proof read my college admission question. I typed it out, but I need someone to check it for grammatical errors and make it better (make sure it’s good). Please Help, T

Hi, I need someone to proof read my college admission question. I answered it. It’s really short (around  words). I typed it out, but I need someone to check it for grammatical errors and make it better (make sure it’s good). Please Help, T

In this unit, you have read three famous stories/poems that were written by Hemingway, Frost, and Angelou. These writers use tone and imagery to express emotion, and thus a message. Please read the fo

In this unit, you have read three famous stories/poems that were written by Hemingway, Frost, and Angelou. These writers use tone and imagery to express emotion, and thus a message. Please read the following articles to help strengthen your responses in this discussion board: Imagery, Literary Devices Tone. Literary Devices Initial Response: To which readings do you relate the […]

Course Name : effective speaking please only write a paragraph or less. This is a class discussion assignment not a essay

Course Name : effective speaking  please only write a paragraph or less. This is a class discussion assignment not a essay

Summative essay organizer: Does culture unite or divide?

Summative essay organizer: Does  culture unite or divide? 

3. What specific trappings of civilization do they attempt to hold onto? (If you do not know what the noun “trappings” means, look it up!) In what specific ways do they try to maintain their “civilis

3. What specific trappings of civilization do they attempt to hold onto?  (If you do not know what the noun “trappings” means, look it up!) In what specific ways do they try to maintain their “civilised” behaviour?  

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