
TRS short paper

I your help with this assignment : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwrT8K4eli9qRVd3SC1YN1BVS3c I have to do Luke chapter 10.25.37 and here is the Bible Commentary books that you going to use read the instructions carefuly to understand it well  Book 1  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwrT8K4eli9qcDNPVTNxdXJfamM Book 2  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwrT8K4eli9qbjFLTEYwaWY5Wm8 Book 3  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwrT8K4eli9qOUxoLXdLSHFJcDg You just have to read the interduction about Luke in each book […]


Review the Candidate Interview video, the Maintenance Technician/Janitor job advertisement and the Maintenance Technician/Janitor job description, along with the three candidate resumes. Compare each candidate in a total of 700 to 1,050 words and include the following: Assess the resumes of each interview candidate. Utilize appropriate selection techniques to evaluate and hire the best candidate […]

Peer review

600-word peer review for a “literature review” attached below Follow these guidelines while writing the peer review. The review has 3 parts . please write responsibily accourding to the instruction by due time. Respond to each part using the following questions as your guide.  Write the review as a letter to the group, developing as […]


Discuss and review one of the games that you played from Games for Change Organization. What game was it and what was its format (meaning puzzle game, exploration game, arcade style game, simulation game etc…)? What was the purpose of the game (educational, raise a social issue or issue of diversity, news related, health related […]

Topic Paper

Topic: Student Fees and Speech Rights write a 8-10 (typed) page paper on a current legal issue in higher education relating to students’ First Amendment free speech rights in public institutions of higher education.Topic Paper Guidelines: The topic papers will involve several components including: Introduce the type of free speech (e.g. press, formation of student groups, […]

English 1C: Critical Thinking Essay (6 – 6 1/2 pages)

English 1C: Critical Thinking Essay (6 – 6 1/2 pages, MLA 12pt font times new roman) Due Date: (8/2/17) Assignment: Consider one of the topics: I choose to propose my own topic. (received teacher’s approval) Requirements: Use 1-2 in class philosophical texts (I have them in the attachment) and 3-4 academic sources (requires research) to […]

Need a report analysis paper and powerpoint on Gender, Sex and Advertising.

What to write about in the paper: ·      Analysis about commercials on the topic: Gender, Sex and Advertising. ·      Details on what causes a male, and a female to buy a certain product over another. ·      What companies do for their advertising strategies for products, targeted to a specific gender. ·      What kinds of advertising […]

Need 1 page paper on one episode per two tv shows

Due Auguest 7th, 2017 Watch one episode of “Downward dog” and one episode of “Blackish” online link will be provided. Include in the paper: count and list the number of brands in the commercials during the show. Analysis should include the number of brands counted, along with these answers: 1)     which brands stood out most to you, […]

Elsa’s perceptions of the literal and figurative

Elsa’s perceptions of the literal and figurative confinement and confined space of Miss Helen home


UNIT 2, SUSTAINING OUR SURVIVAL Essay #2 – Persuasive essay  In “The New Renaissance,” Daniel Quinn stated, “something extraordinary is going to happen in your lifetime,” claiming that “the people of our culture are going to figure out how to live sustainably on this planet—or they’re not.” Quinn also suggests that we are on the brink of a “new Renaissance” that will […]

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