Environmental Science


Read in its entirity before you post a price.  It’s not a difficult question im asking, just need to understand why my answer is different from another tutor. What I need to know is why the correct Volume math for this question is not  D*W*L/27 to my cubic yards…my answer is 183.33, however a tutors […]

Air Pollution PowerPoint

LP6 Assignment: Air Pollution Directions: Create a PowerPoint Presentation that includes: The different types of air pollution covered in the book. Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3), Lead (Pb), Particulate Matter (PM 10), Particulate Matter (PM 2 5), Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2), Benezene, Volatile Organic Compunds, Mercury. What problems poor air quality can […]

SOC260 Module 5 Assignment 1 LASA 2 History of Environmental Issues for an Area (Argosy)

In this assignment, you will select one region of the world with known environmental issues and create a timeline of the events in this area, going back no more than 200 years. For example, you could choose to focus on the Gulf Coast in the United States and its history of hurricanes, floods, and the […]

unit 3

You have been hired as a consultant by your town’s emergency management coordinator to help develop emergency action plans. One of the reasons you were selected is your expertise in using the General Behavior Model (GEBMO) to assess risks. Your first task is to assess the hazardous material risks at a local gas station. The […]

Graphic Organizer

Investigate and evaluate an environmental issue in the city of Miami, Florida. Using Microsoft Word, create a graphic organizer that outlines the issue.incorporate photographs, and energy sources. Write a paragraph expressing a solution to the problem(s) being addressed.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of dams and other river diversions in terms of extraction service from water sheds. How do these disrupt ecosystem function? Compare the current situation in the US as compared to East Asia.

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of dams and other river diversions in terms of extraction service from water sheds. How do these disrupt ecosystem function? Compare the current situation in the US as compared to East Asia. Using the Chicago format!!! provide the references!!!! This is a question based eassy, you should do the research […]

1.The flyer a section explains what soil is, soil

1.The flyer a section explains what soil is, soil composition, and describes how soil is formed. 2. The flyer includes a section that describes what processes cause soil erosion, including Tow well-explained examples. 3The flyer includes a section that describes what can be done to prevent soil erosion, including Tow realistic, well-explained suggestions.

350 words

i have 4 cases choose two and answer the question forom the two cases you choose. its all  in file. 

Define the three principle facets of fire protection, and identify the four classes of fires and the appropriate methods for extinguishing each.

Define the three principle facets of fire protection, and identify the four classes of fires and the appropriate methods for extinguishing each. Your response should be at least 250 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be […]

Unit Q’s

1) When an employer provides portable fire extinguishers for use by employees in the workplace, what education or training must be provided to the employees? Include the citation for the OSHA standard where you found the answer to the question. Your response should be at least 75 words in length. 2) What is the correct procedure […]

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