Foreign Languages

In what country is Buenos Aires located? A. Chile B. México C. Colombia D. Argentina In what country is Montevideo located? A. Uruguay B. Argentina C. Mexico D. Peru In what country is Medellin lo

In what country is Buenos Aires located? A. Chile B. México C. Colombia D. Argentina In what country is Montevideo located? A. Uruguay B. Argentina C. Mexico D. Peru In what country is Medellin located? A. Bolivia B. Venezuela C. Colombia D. México

Which verb belongs in the space? Vamos a ____ la televisión. A. Ver B. Tener C. Escuchar D. Romper E. Oír

Which verb belongs in the space? Vamos a ____ la televisión. A. Ver B. Tener C. Escuchar D. Romper E. Oír

I am doing a short apartment tour video as part of my spanish project. I wrote my script in English,…

I am doing a short apartment tour video as part of my spanish project. I wrote my script in English, so I am having problems translating it accurately to Spanish. Below is my script in English. Could someone accurately translate it to spanish? English:Hola, soy Payton y este es mi apartamento. I live with my roommate […]

Find five slang words used in a Spanish speaking country. State what they mean and the country they come from.

Find five slang words used in a Spanish speaking country. State what they mean and the country they come from.

Dams produce this percentage of electricity in Pakistan. a. 34 percent c. 42 percent b. 38 percent d. 46 percent

Dams produce this percentage of electricity in Pakistan. a. 34 percent c. 42 percent b. 38 percent d. 46 percent

Which excerpts from Act III of Hamlet show that plot events have resulted in Claudius feeling guilty? Check all that apply. Claudius: I like him not, nor stands it safe with us To let his madness ran

Which excerpts from Act III of Hamlet show that plot events have resulted in Claudius feeling guilty? Check all that apply. Claudius: I like him not, nor stands it safe with us To let his madness range. Claudius: I your commission will forthwith dispatch, And he to England shall along with you. Claudius: A brother’s […]

If Donatavious Tindell were to compose a letter to his mother, trying to persuade her that it was a good thing for him to be on a reality show, which statement from that letter would be a FACT?

If Donatavious Tindell were to compose a letter to his mother, trying to persuade her that it was a good thing for him to be on a reality show, which statement from that letter would be a FACT?

How have rituals surrounding the Spanish plaza influenced events known as proms? Write your answer in English.

How have rituals surrounding the Spanish plaza influenced events known as proms? Write your answer in English.

Fill in the blank (3): En español, “to pick up” el auricular es ________________. Cuando estoy en la calle, uso el __________celular. Yo termino la conversación y __________el auricular.

Fill in the blank (3): En español, “to pick up” el auricular es ________________. Cuando estoy en la calle, uso el __________celular. Yo termino la conversación y __________el auricular.

(Free time and holidays topic in Spanish)Free time and holidays topic essay

(Free time and holidays topic in Spanish)Free time and holidays topic essay

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