
What Makes a Region a Region? Region:China

To complete this assignment, review the Worksheet Template Guidelines and Rubric document and complete the following steps: Use the Themes of Geography resource and the required resources in this module to specifically discuss the criteria used to identify the realms (or regions) and subregions. Download the Worksheet Template Guidelines and Rubric document and select a […]

Which of the following is not an effect of urban sprawl?

Which of the following is not an effect of urban sprawl? A. decreased costs for housing, utilities, and other public expenses B. air pollution C. water supplies depleted D. economic class separation

milestone 3

The milestone 3 is the creation of a presentation and speaker notes, in which you will need to imagine that you are relocating from your current location to a new region of the globe. Your audience for this presentation will be your friends and family. Your goal is to show them that you have thought through […]

What some Colombian and Argentina rituals?q

My question is you can name a few rituals for colombia and argentina?

geography new 3

In a 2 to 3 paragraph essay, answering the following questions concerning star formation and evolution: How do stars form from the interstellar medium? What defines the main sequence stage of a star? What happens after a low mass star leaves the main sequence? What types of stellar remnants will a low mass star leave […]

solar system new 2

Module 03 – Physical Characteristics of Planets The planets of the Solar System can be divided into two major classes, terrestrial and Jovian planets, but each planet has their own interesting characteristics. With the Stellarium planetarium software, you can get a close up view of the planets and see their features for yourself. Background Question […]

Hi there! I am a student in high school doing a research project for a geography class! My topic is “Should diamond mines continue to be developed in the fragile ecosystem of the Far North in Canada?”

Hi there! I am a student in high school doing a research project for a geography class! My topic is “Should diamond mines continue to be developed in the fragile ecosystem of the Far North in Canada?” I was wondering if you could help me by giving me additional information to help support why I […]

galaxy in the universe

Edwin Hubble’s discoveries in the 1920s led to the understanding that the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in the Universe. In a 2 to 3 paragraph essay, describe the five types of galaxies within Hubble classification system. Select one of the galaxy types and search online for an example. Include a picture of […]

geograpy module 5

Module 05 – A Universe of Galaxies Edwin Hubble’s observations of the Andromeda “nebula” in 1924, using the then new 100 inch telescope at Mount Wilson Observatory, lead to the understanding that the Milky Way was not the only galaxy, but one of a countless large groups of stars in our Universe. Within this new […]

sir Isaac newton 1

Sir Isaac Newton revolutionized science by defining a set of laws to describe the motion of objects. In a 2 to 3 paragraph essay, describe each of Newton’s laws of motion and explain why each is important in understanding planetary motion.

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