
history discussion3

 Only use the source below, 250-350 words Please read: – Nicholas Mason, “The Sovereign People Are in a Beastly State: The Beer Act of 1830 and Victorian Discourse on Working-Class Drunkenness,” Victorian Literature and Culture, Vol. 29, No. 1 (2001), pp. 109-127, available in the Readings Folder in Course Reserves. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25058542?pq-origsite=summon&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents    And discuss: Begin by selecting […]

unit VIII

Unit VIII Scholarly Activity Trace the evolution of your profession (or another chosen profession), field of study, or branch of service, starting in the Cold War era and continuing all the way to the present, globalized world. As you begin gathering research, make sure to consider important social, political, and economic movements, as well as […]

discussion 15

Visit the following website: http://history-world.org/renaissance.htm (Links to an external site.) What to do: Explore the website and the accompanying links to artists of the Renaissance and then write approximately 300 words about a subject that you found to be of interest and why.

discussion 13

Visit the following website: http://www.aztec-indians.com/index.html (Links to an external site.) What to do: Explore the website and then write approximately 300 words about a subject that you found to be of interest and why.

analyzing visual sources for Indian History and demonstrate them

Due Date: Wednseday March 1, 4pm EST TIME  Instructions:  This assignment gives you the chance to practice analyzing visual sources.  Select at least 3 paintings/sketches (figures) from the Picture Essays for Chapters 4 & 5 in First Peoples.  Your sources must be from at least two different artists (Weber, Bodmer, Catlin). Question:  Which aspects of Indian life did the artists focus on and why? […]

Tensions between France and Europe led to which c

Tensions between France and Europe led to which colonial american conflict ?

How significant a role do New World possessions s

How significant a role do New World possessions seem to play in the treaty?

Discussion Question: A universal Turing machine can imitate any other Turing machine by being given a coded description of the first machine. When we say Turing machine now,

A universal Turing machine can imitate any other Turing machine by being given a coded description of the first machine. When we say Turing machine now, we generally mean his universal machine. Specifically

What is the purpose of the body paragraphs in an

What is the purpose of the body paragraphs in an argumentative essay?

HIS 135 WEEK 6 Discussion Question 1

This paperwork of HIS 135 Week 6 Discussion Question 1 contains: If you had been a voter at the time of Nixon

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