
HIS 204 Week 4 DQ 2

This archive file of HIS 204 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 includes: Every era in American history has had notable men and women who shaped their times, for better or worse. Identify one person from this week

HIS 301 Week 5 DQs1

This file of HIS 301 Week 5 Discussion Questions consists of: DQ 1: Discuss the government’s (and especially the Supreme Court’s) role in our First Amendment freedom of religion, including relevant significant Supreme Court cases. DQ 2: Discuss the government’s (all 3 branches) role in the War on Terror and how their efforts agree with […]

HIS 204 Week 4 DQ 1

This file of HIS 204 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 includes: The years from 1945 to 1974 were an era of Grand Expectations. At the end of World War II, spontaneous celebrations filled downtown streets across the nation. The war was over. Sons and daughters were coming home. Democracy triumphed over fascism. The Great Depression […]

HIS 301 Week 4 Summary

This archive file of HIS 301 Week 4 Summary contains: Class, what are our rights to privacy and expression and how has the Supreme Court ruled in these areas over the years, both allowing and limiting them?

HIS 204 Week 5 DQ 1

This paperwork of HIS 204 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 contains: In the aftermath of the Vietnam War, the nation struggled as a giant might to generate positive momentum. Select one specific challenge that, in your opinion, was the most significant problem that confronted the United States between 1974 and 1999. Why did you select […]

HIS 301 Week 4 DQs

This work of HIS 301 Week 4 Discussion Questions consists of: DQ 1: Chronicle our Constitutional rights to privacy and the rights of the accused and how has the government defined and influenced these over the years? DQ 2: Chronicle our Constitutional rights to free expression over the years and our government’s role in either […]

HIS 301 Week 1 DQs

This work of HIS 301 Week 1 Discussion Questions shows the solutions to the following problems: DQ 1: Analyze the influences of The Articles of Confederation on the creation of the U. S. Constitution. DQ 2: Of all the famous compromises to take place during the Constitutional Convention, which one do you believe was the […]

HIS 301 Week 4 Individual Assignment

This work of HIS 301 Week 4 Individual Assignment includes: Reflections on the First Amendment The Application of malice clause and new interpretation of freedom of speech

HIS 301 Week 3 Summary

In this file of HIS 301 Week 3 Summary you will find the next information: Class, what are our rights to privacy and expression and how has the Supreme Court ruled in these areas over the years, both allowing and limiting them?

HIS 301 Week 3 DQs

This archive file of HIS 301 Week 3 Discussion Questions comprises: DQ 1: How did the nation, the Civil Rights movement, and the Supreme Court evolve from Plessey vs. Ferguson and Brown vs. Board of Education? DQ 2: Discuss the federal government

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