
In this discussion board, like the discussion board in Module Three, you will be divided into groups based on your last name, and each group will be assigned a point of view on the presidency of Jacks

In this discussion board, like the discussion board in Module Three, you will be divided into groups based on your last name, and each group will be assigned a point of view on the presidency of Jackson.  You will then express and argue for this point of view. Here are your groups: A-M: You believe Jackson […]

This last discussion board will a combination of some of our previous kinds. Like the Module 3 forum, you will each be creating a meme. But with a twist: like with Module 5’s forum, you will be doin

This last discussion board will a combination of some of our previous kinds.  Like the Module 3 forum, you will each be creating a meme.  But with a twist: like with Module 5’s forum, you will be doing so IN CHARACTER as a historical person. Please  embed your image; don’t leave it as an attachment.  If you’re […]

What did Gandhi dislike

What did Gandhi dislike 

The Woman’s Hour Précis Instructions Your assignment is to write a 1-2 page précis about the Elaine Weiss’ book. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. The point of a précis is that you are gatheri

The Woman’s Hour Précis Instructions Your assignment is to write a 1-2 page précis about the Elaine Weiss’ book. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. The point of a précis is that you are gathering information about the text. It concentrates much more on the author’s argument and purpose of the book […]

Study the map provided here and be able to identify each country. Please remember, this is a post-World War II map of Europe, not a current map of Europe, and borders do change over time. (1) Count

Study the map provided here and be able to identify each country.  Please remember, this is a post-World War II map of Europe, not a current map of Europe, and borders do change over time. (1) Country “A” is _________________.   Great Britain  Germany  France  Portugal (2) Country “B” is _____________________.   Spain  England  Ireland  France (3) […]

This is a one question essay quiz dealing with your additional reading, Margaraetta Mason and Lydia Maria Child Discuss John Brown, 1860 Make sure you cite specific exams from the document in your t

This is a one question essay quiz dealing with your additional reading, Margaraetta Mason and Lydia Maria Child Discuss John Brown, 1860   Make sure you cite specific exams from the document in your text using in-text citations. (1) Based on your reading of the primary source material, as well as your textbook, why did John […]

1. The term lone-wolf terrorist has recently been used extensively in mass media. Discuss three characteristics of a lone-wolf terroist and explain why they are such a harmful threat to domestic and i

1. The term lone-wolf terrorist has recently been used extensively in mass media. Discuss three characteristics of a lone-wolf terroist and explain why they are such a harmful threat to domestic and international security.  What are the similarities and differences between a lone wolf terrorist and transitional terrorist cell? 2. Name at least one social […]

According to Thomas Jefferson “…when injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty…” In his ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’, how did Dr Martin Luther King Jr. justify civil disobedience? Do you cons

According to Thomas Jefferson “…when injustice becomes law resistance becomes duty…” In his ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’, how did Dr Martin Luther King Jr. justify civil disobedience? Do you consider civil disobedience as the only option for protesting unpopular government policies? What other legal actions are available to discontented citizens? What is political efficacy?

Timeline Project After reviewing the Unit VII materials, you should be familiar with some events that shaped Western Expansion and the Antebellum South. Take a look at the 1793-1857 timeline here. For

Timeline Project After reviewing the Unit VII materials, you should be familiar with some events that shaped Western Expansion and the Antebellum South. Take a look at the 1793-1857 timeline here. For this assignment, you will pick one of the events identified on the timeline and discuss how that event prompted a change in national philosophies […]

5 obersvations, 5 inferences, and which parts of M.A.I.N it represents + why?

5 obersvations, 5 inferences, and which parts of M.A.I.N it represents + why?

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