
Examine the difference between Massasoit his son.Philip as well Edwards Winslow and his son, Josiah ?

Examine the difference between Massasoit his son. Philip as well and his son, Josiah ?


One paragraph:  comment on Trump’s  trade policy (informed opinion)   One paragraph:  put Trump’s trade policy in the context of United States History 

Two Approaches to Watergate

Summarize the arguments made in each of the two articles regarding the conduct of President Nixon. How might each of the author’s views impact the reader’s understanding of the Watergate crisis?

format for information from the course Format: one Word document. Students need to provide their name, course, date and instructor at the top left hand side of the paper on the first page. Followin

I need 2 questions answered in a essay format  see the attchment for the details

How did General Pershing advance and influence the military and its wars?

How did General Pershing advance and influence the military and its wars? 

In what way did late nineteenth-century japanese colonial rule in the ryukyu islands differ from that of the british in india or the americans in puerto rico?

In what way did late nineteenth-century japanese colonial rule in the ryukyu islands differ from that of the british in india or the americans in puerto rico?

Spain was motivated to explore California for all of the following reasons except A. the search for a Northwest Passage waterway through north…
Lesson 3 19 Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following:

Lesson 3  19 Using a minimum of 150 words, address the following: Discuss the reasons and the outcome of American intervention in Mexico

The early American migrants in California A. Increased their wealth and influence by marrying wealthy Californio women B.
The social structure of Mexican California consisted of A. Two tiers with an upper class of wealthy rancheros and a lower class of Indian and Mexican…
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