
A person’s social identity in the Spanish colonies was based on all of the following except A. strictly enforced racial categorizations B. individual…
Which region north or south had the most land area in 1820 this can be calculated by adding together all the?

Which region north or south had the most land area in 1820 this can be calculated by adding together all the?

Which of the political philosophers, Locke, Hobbes, or more, do you judge most successful in grappling with the great problems of their age, and why?…

Which of the political philosophers, Locke, Hobbes, or more, do you judge most successful in grappling with the great problems of their age, and why? To explain your answer, compare and contrast their political philosophies and the strengths and weaknesses of all three approaches. Your response should be a minimum of 500 words…NO plagiarism please […]

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suff

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. What is Jefferson saying here about overthrowing the […]

A letter from Voice of freedom in the attached document “Jimmy Carter on Human Rights 1977”

Instructions!!:  Pretend that you are an adult living at the time that the document was created, write a letter to the author and explain why you agree or disagree with the document 300 words Note: !! organize your thoughts in paragraphs. A letter or essay of this length should have two or three paragraphs. 

Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below.

Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on brief but important primary source material written by major authors. Read the selections  as identified with each topic below. Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 words minimum) which analyzes the “surprise ending” […]

task due friday evening- must be original

Instructions:First Amendment: Religion and EducationDetails:You have a standard practice of displaying all student work in your classroom.  Recently, you assigned students to write any essay and submit a pictorial depiction on the person they considered to be their hero. One of your students submitted an essay on Jesus and a drawing of the Last Supper.In […]

List the four most important changes that occurred in Western Europe from 1945-1989 and explain why they were so significant.

List the four most important changes that occurred in Western Europe from 1945-1989 and explain why they were so significant.

Why was stock bought on margin considered a risky investment? Investors purchased the stocks with little cash down; if the price dropped the investor had to repay the loan. Stocks purchased on margin

Why was stock bought on margin considered a risky investment? Investors purchased the stocks with little cash down; if the price dropped the investor had to repay the loan. Stocks purchased on margin were often for companies that had little or no value. Investors paid high interest rates to buy these stocks; they needed a […]

Which countries do you think were most responsible for plunging the West into World War I and give reasons for each?

Which countries do you think were most responsible for plunging the West into World War I and give reasons for each? Explain the revolution in Russia that overthrew the tsar in comparison to the second revolution when the Bolsheviks came to power. Why was the first easier than the second? Analyze the main qualities of German […]

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