
Given that Japan was left with minimal defenses after the war, how has it protected itself? Its military reserves primarily provide protection. Its police force acts as a protective force. US military

Given that Japan was left with minimal defenses after the war, how has it protected itself? Its military reserves primarily provide protection. Its police force acts as a protective force. US military bases in Japan provide protection. Allied forces coordinate protection.

Why is Islam called the religion of peace? Is it a religion of peace? What is Islam fundamentally? Can someone explain?

Why is Islam called the religion of peace? Is it a religion of peace? What is Islam fundamentally? Can someone explain?

(I will supporting Booker T. Washington’s position.) Debate Instructions: You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support Booker T….

(I will supporting Booker T. Washington’s position.) Debate Instructions: You have been divided into two groups. Group A will support Booker T. Washington’s position. Group B will support W. E. B. Du Bois’s position. To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions. The required work will help you. Who will you be […]

State 6 Facts about struggles of plains indians and 6 Facts about reasons settlers moved west

State 6 Facts about struggles of plains indians and 6 Facts about reasons settlers moved west

Statue of Liberty state why she became an inspiration for immigrants.

Statue of Liberty state why she became an inspiration for immigrants. explain efforts to preserve Lady Liberty Three possible effects of the building of the Statue of Liberty Six sentences including a topic sentence, supportive details, and a conclusion sentence about the Statue of Liberty.

Immigration and Urbanization (1800’s, early 1900’s) -paragraph about what caused a growth in cities. (topic/3 details/conclusion) -paragraph about…

Immigration and Urbanization (1800’s, early 1900’s) -paragraph about what caused a growth in cities. (topic/3 details/conclusion) -paragraph about the results or effects of city growth. (topic/3 details/conclusion)

What were the grievances against king george the third that were listed in the decleration of independence

What were the grievances against king george the third that were listed in the decleration of independence

Robert E.

Robert E. Lee -2 accomplishments during civil war or reconstruction era (1865-1877) -2 opinions he has about reconstruction or racial issues -2 quotes he made on during the same 1865-1877 time period and one extra of your choice -explain or tell why you like each quote -give two interesting facts about him -tell what kind […]

Frederick Douglas -2 accomplishments during civil war or reconstruction era (1865-1877) -2 opinions he has about reconstruction or racial issues -2

Frederick Douglas -2 accomplishments during civil war or reconstruction era (1865-1877) -2 opinions he has about reconstruction or racial issues -2 quotes he made on during the same 1865-1877 time period and one extra of your choice -explain or tell why you like each quote -give two interesting facts about him -tell what kind of […]

W.E.B. Dubois -2 accomplishments during civil war or reconstruction era (1865-1877) -2 opinions he has about reconstruction or racial issues -2

W.E.B. Dubois -2 accomplishments during civil war or reconstruction era (1865-1877) -2 opinions he has about reconstruction or racial issues -2 quotes he made on during the same 1865-1877 time period and one extra of your choice -explain or tell why you like each quote -give two interesting facts about him -tell what kind of […]

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