
for Doctor Mitch

Choose one (1) of the three (3) reading selections from the list of topic choices below. The focus is on brief but important primary source material written by major authors. Read the selections  as identified with each topic below. Write a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (250 words minimum) which analyzes the “surprise ending” […]


Philosophy homework question: In the summer of 1995, the French navy arrested the crew and passengers of two Greenpeace ships who were protesting the resumption of nuclear testing in the S.Pacific off the coast of Tahiti, an island under French rule. Those arrested included a U.S. congressional delegate and the leader of Polynesian independence movement. […]

Whatwere the proclaimed causes of the American Revolution and what steps were takento address these issues?

Whatwere the proclaimed causes of the American Revolution and what steps were takento address these issues? Be sure to cite specific events, people, and ordocuments in your essay. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> I need this ASAP

Who was on the U.S. dollar coin first minted in 1979?

  Who was on the U.S. dollar coin first minted in 1979?A.George WashingtonB.Harriet TubmanC.Susan B. AnthonyD.Marie Curie

“how much wider is the atlantic ocean today as compared to the time when christopher columbus sailed?”

“how much wider is the atlantic ocean today as compared to the time when christopher columbus sailed?”

What was the Amati family famous for making?

What was the Amati family famous for making? …………………………………………………………………..

HIS 105

How did the Progressive reformers influence national politics? How did World War I change economy, society, and politics in the United States through the home front?

due 8am Monday morning Eastern Standard time

Assignment 1: Essay – Exploring Ancient Mysteries Due Week 4 and worth 100 points Choose one (1) of the topics below and develop a three to four (3-4) paragraph essay (of at least 250-500 words) which adequately address the topic you have chosen. Topic Choices There have been many theories regarding how the pyramids at […]

Answer Questions

Verification of Reading # 3: Labor 1-Summarize the importance of Mexican labor in the Southwest in the nineteenth century and until 1920. 2-Explain the economic and employment situation in Puerto Rico between 1898 and 1920. Where did the Puerto Ricans usually work and why? 3-What was the Holy Order of the Knights of Labor? Who […]

Question 1: What were the values of Ancient Athens and how did they shape politics, gender, slavery, religion and culture? How do they compare with

Question 1: What were the values of Ancient Athens and how did they shape politics, gender, slavery, religion and culture? How do they compare with the values of Ancient Rome? Question 2: What role did religion play in the ancient societies of Africa and the Americas and how did it impact politics, economics, culture, and […]

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