HR Management

Discuss the CMS Quality Initiatives that are underway at this time. Do you support these initiatives? Why, or why not? How do you feel these initiatives will affect patient care? 200 words

Discuss the CMS Quality Initiatives that are underway at this time. Do you support these initiatives? Why, or why not? How do you feel these initiatives will affect patient care? 200 words

Based upon your learning from this unit, and also from your own experience, what do you consider to be the most important steps that a healthcare administrator should take to ensure the financial stability of his or her medical facility today? In addition

Based upon your learning from this unit, and also from your own experience, what do you consider to be the most important steps that a healthcare administrator should take to ensure the financial stability of his or her medical facility today? In addition, what do you consider to be the most important steps that a […]

What are the key financial differences among for-profit, not-for-profit, and public healthcare facilities? 200 words

What are the key financial differences among for-profit, not-for-profit, and public healthcare facilities? 200 words

Explain how case mix and occupancy rate can be used to help balance the budget of a healthcare facility. 200 words

Explain how case mix and occupancy rate can be used to help balance the budget of a healthcare facility.

M4_A2 Quality Assurance Implementation Concerns

Assignment 2: Quality Assurance Implementation Concerns Your management staff needs a better understanding of factors that would inhibit implementation of a Quality Assurance program at their hospital. Identify and describe at least 10 factors that could inhibit implementation of a quality assurance (QA) program at the hospital. Identify the characteristics, defense mechanisms, and behaviors that […]

M4_A1 Discussion

Assignment 1: Discussion Question Defense mechanisms (e.g., human behavior driven) and high financial cost (e.g., organizational system/budget driven) are two leading factors in resistance to change. Healthcare organizations, as with other types of organizations, vary in their capacity to successfully implement technological changes. Describe the unique challenges healthcare organizations may face when implementing a new […]

Q and A

 Case managers have various roles and responsibilities. What are 3 examples of these case manager roles for in your community? What responsibilities are required for each role? “The three most important roles of case managers in the community include assessment, care coordination, and advocacy.” Assessment and care coordination are job duties that are performed specifically […]

Overcoming Public Disinterestedness

Week 5 Discussion 2 Due on or before Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 9:00 p.m. CST Understanding the responsibility and concerns of healthcare is important in creating policies that leadership can use to streamline success. If strategic leadership is not realized over time,  healthcare organizations’ political influences may face challenges and create public disinterestedness in […]

Maintaining the Loyalty of Stakeholders

Due on or before June 24, 2017 at 9:00 p.m. CST. Maintaining the Loyalty of Stakeholders To maintain political, governmental, staff, and patient loyalty, the healthcare organization must provide a sense of organizational stability and view of the legislative landscape. In Chapters 14 and 15 we have researched and investigated the need to align both […]

Week 9 discuss

“Stress and Corporate Social Responsibility”  Please respond to the following: Describe a challenging workplace situation that you have encountered in the past or are anticipating in the future. Assess your level of stress before, during, and after the situation. Next, create a stress management plan that includes three (3) of the following components: time management, relaxation, […]

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