HR Management


Assignment 2: Human Resources Policies and Procedures Due Week 8 and worth 320 points Continuing with the scenario from Assignment 1, imagine that you have been hired as the Manager of Human Resources for the acute care hospital. Your first task is to create a set of policies and procedures to ensure that the organization’s […]

HR Power Point Presentation? Wendy Lewis?

Objective of the assignment: Job analysis is a core skill for HR professionals and a key task for organizations to perform. So many of the employment decisions are based on this one task. The purpose of the activity is for you to gain practice in conducting a job analysis and to gain knowledge about the […]

Discussion Assignment #1

comment on one (1) of the fellow.  pick one (1) of the fellow to make comments. About two to three sentences 1. I believe that the Policy- making Board would be more instrumental in influencing the implementation of a smoke-free policy in a community simply because this board focuses on the goal setting and strategic […]

CONNECTION: Values and Strategy Paper

Choose an organization according to the following: Current employer Most recent or former employer Place of business that you have patronized or have been familiar with over a long period of time.  Avoid choosing an organization that is so large that historical data would be difficult to apply. Firms in the Russell 2000® index may fit […]

HR week 4 quiz

Question 11 pts HR planning, job analysis, and job design processes should all be considered in the job evaluation process. TrueFalse Flag this Question Question 21 pts ______ refers to expanding the collective capacities of organizational members to engage effectively in leadership roles and processes. Management trainingLeadership developmentUpward mobilityCareer development Flag this Question Question 31 pts Which of […]

Assignment 1: Identifying the Organizational Learning Issues

Assignment 1: Identifying the Organizational Learning Issues Due Week 3 and worth 250 points Suppose that your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, is dealing with a major issue in transitioning individual learning (e.g., sharing knowledge, training programs, working as a team, experiences, procedures, processes, etc.) into organizational learning. The Chief Executive […]

Journal Article Analysis 3-5 pages

NEED THIS ASSIGNMENT BY 7/22 Evaluate the relative merits of a variety of human resources interventions such as organizational development, succession and workforce planning, strategic staffing, diversity training, cultural change, and rewards and recognition redesign.   • Apply acquired human resources knowledge to resolve business and organizational issues.   Research, select, analyze, and submit an […]

Directions: Conduct a job analysis. Choose a job you wish to study, conduct a job analysis of the job, and prepare a written report. You can use your current position, one with which you are familiar,

Directions: Conduct a job analysis. Choose a job you wish to study, conduct a job analysis of the job, and prepare a written report. You can use your current position, one with which you are familiar, or one that you gather information about via the Internet or other library resources. The report should include: 1. […]

Introduction and References

2 pages/ APA Format/ No plagarism/ 2 references/ Topic: Home Health Create a 2 page introduction section of the project in which you provide an overview of the topic you selected. Make sure to cover the following: Introduce the topic selected and define new concepts for your reader. Why this is important to you personally and […]

Risk Management in Health Care

Write a 750-1,000 word paper that evaluates the effect of local, state, and federal health care legislation within organizations by identifying trends. Be sure to address the following: Describe general trends in health care legislation over the past 5 years. Describe a specific piece of legislation occurring within this timeframe across the United States. Discuss […]

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