HR Management


This unit has stressed the importance of staying grounded and also clearly defining your true north. Keeping with that focus, put together a solid mantra/motto which captures your personal belief about your leadership goal. What are you willing to go to the wall for? What do you stand for? Make the statement brief (almost bumper- […]

HR WK6 assignment

Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you: Develop three (3) recruitment methods for the job opportunity in question, and suggest two (2) ways that each method helps one to avoid discriminatory practices. Justify your response. Outline an application process that details the organization’s method of accepting all applications, as well as […]


“Moral Philosophies and Cognitive Moral Development”  Please respond to the following: Select one (1) moral philosophy (teleology, deontology, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, or justice) that has influenced the outcome of an ethical dilemma that you have witnessed. Provide one (1) example of the way in which this moral philosophy influenced the outcome of an ethical dilemma […]

The Modern Health Care Leader

Deliverable Length:  5-7 pages Summarize the various components of leadership and how they vary from management Effective leaders can use their emotions in a positive way to benefit their organization, their employees, and stakeholders. Dye and Garman (2006) state, “The most effective leaders have a deeper understanding of their emotion” (p. 18), in their discussion of […]

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determine two (2) of the challenges facing multicultural teams, and suggest how to overcome each of those challenges using the delineation of process components. Remember:  You must reference your work and include both in-text citations (also known as parenthetical citations) and a full reference using the APA style.


Share a current event article with the class that relates to the concepts covered in this week’s reading. In PowerPoint, record a brief summary about the article and explain why you felt the article was relevant.  Please review the video below that explains how to record a narration in PowerPoint.  You should also attach your […]


Instructions: Review the following case scenario and instructions. Write a minimum 5- page to a maximum 7- page paper, (cover page, abstract, reference page and appendices do not count toward this requirement) in APA format, addressing the issues outlined in the scenario. Your paper must identify and discuss all of the applicable laws and how they […]

The Buffalo Zoo: “The Big Picture” HRMT FORUM

>>The Bufflo Zoo>> Before we shuffled off, we stopped by to see Adair Saviola, the Director of Development, and tried to get an idea of the big picture.>> Thank you for calling. Hi. I’m Adair Saviola, and I’m the Director of Development here at the Buffalo Zoo. I think one of the ways things have […]

see below assignment

8–10 slides with speaker notes of 200–250 words per slide (excluding title and reference slides)       Conduct structured interviews for the selection of human resources. Identify the components of direct and indirect compensation. Discuss the elements of job analysis and job evaluation. Implement a system of selecting human resources that is both valid and reliable. Develop […]

Approaches to Law

prepare a PowerPoint training presentation for employees to review the new policies (6-8 slides). At the end of the presentation, include 2 slides addressing: For the employee handbook, create a policy for employee use of technology because new sources of social media and more advanced electronic devices are regularly being introduced to the market. Address topics […]

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