HR Management

Bus 640 Mangerial Economics

Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany owns Alka-Seltzer, which was launched in 1931 and was meant for relief of minor aches, pains, inflammation, fever, headache, heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion, and hangovers. Alka-Seltzer Plus was a spin-off of the original medicine, meant to relieve colds and flu. The company has recently introduced a new and improved Alka-Seltzer […]

Due today!!!

Please see the attached and complete. It needs to be done by 2PM today EST. It needs to be atleast 155 words.

Human Resource assignment

(I) Choose a position and design an appropriate HRM strategic rewards and incentive scheme in order to meet the organisational’s goal and objectives. (II) Justify HRM strategies, policies and plans in relation to the organisational outcomes.  Please apply these to the case study provided. 

New Assignment

Select a product, line of products, or brand from a company of your choice and research the company’s social media marketing strategies. Carefully examine the social media presence for the product. In an analysis (750-1,000 words), identify how the company utilizes social media to promote the product. Address the following in your analysis: What is […]

Company Profile Analysis

Resource: Delta Corporation Company Profile (which is attached) Read the Delta Corporation Company Profile. You are an HR representative at Delta Corporation.  Your manager has asked you to analyze the company profile and address the following in 525 to 700 words: Assess the current company profile and identify any current or potential diversity issues Evaluate why diversity […]


Pick one of the following options: Option 1 Write a 1-page letter to President Trump explaining the differences in collective bargaining between the public and private sector (Chapter 14 Collective Bargaining).  Call for action: what should change? Option 2 Drugs are used in our society.  You feel strongly about the legalization of cannabis/marijuana. You believe that […]

Assignment 2: A Brief Literature Review

NEW WORK ON CAN NEVER BE DONE BEFORE OR SUBMITTED ON TURNITIN .COM CAN NOT GIVE OR HAVE OTHERS STUDENT USE THIS PAPER. Assignment 2: A Brief Literature Review A strong literature review plays a foundational role in setting up a research proposal or a dissertation. Therefore, for any research, it is important to understand […]

11 Blue Men

Read the 11 Blue Men Story, to access, please click here. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Eleven Blue Men (Berton Roueché) Download the Eleven Blue Men Worksheet and address the questions in a Q/A format, using complete sentences. Please know that although this is not a formal written paper, you still use APA formatting: Double-spaced with […]

Assignment 2: Job Analysis / Job Description

Go to YouTube, located at, and search for an episode of “UnderCover Boss”. Imagine you are the CEO of the company in the selected episode. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: Compare two (2) job positions from the episode and perform a job analysis of each position.  Describe your […]

Management Leadership

 This is an  Analysis Paper. You are to identify the author’s purpose for the book, its major themes, principles and concepts, and describe how those themes, principles, and concepts relate to the themes, principles and concepts presented by DuBrin. The paper should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.     You are to identify […]

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