HR Management

FOR *BRAVO BRAINS* – Receiving Aid and Support during Emergencies

Superstorm Sandy and Hurricane Katrina raised many questions about the response of the Federal Government, and more specifically, the response of FEMA to natural disasters. FEMA was criticized for the delay in its response in parts of New York City mainly, the citizens of Long Island. On the basis of you knowledge and understanding of […]

Create an agenda for a team meeting

This is an example Please give details provide the objection , add a purpose and goals add challenges or vision etc….  Team Meeting Date:  Place: Objectives: 1 Provide an orientation to the initiative 2 Review purpose of team 3 Adopt ground rules for collaborative planning 4 Review draft action plan format 5 Adopt goal/vision 6 Identify challenges to goal/vision 7 Confirm […]

Essay questions of Human Resource Management

Chapter 3 end essay question: Note: the submission should be typed and each response should not be longer than one typed page 1.     Martha’s boss, Bill, constantly uses sexually explicitly language while communicating with his female subordinates. Though many female employees were bothered with this behavior, no one ever complained for fear of negative repercussions. […]

Friendly and Professional

Youth service organizations have undergone numerous changes in the United States, dating back to the late 1600’s.  Select one of the organizations listed that is active today, i.e., YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, Boy or Girl Scouts of America.   Research their current role in youth work, development, value messages and services.  What advantages does the […]

Friendly and Professional (2 Questions)

DQ 1 Review the American Bar Association webpage on Domestic Violence Statistics: Prevalence of Domestic Violence which gives statistics among various categories of race, age, gender, ethnic background, etc.  After reviewing this article, post a statement of how the role of the human service professional can be effective in this situation.  What was your personal […]

Unit II Case Study MSL 6000

Unit II Case Study  One of your closest friends, Jim, has been recently promoted to Vice President of Company XYZ. Company XYZ is a thriving company that is known for being strictly about task management. Jim has always found this practice unsettling, and he wants to change the culture of Company XYZ. He is well […]

global human resource

Share a current event article with the class that relates to the concepts covered in this week’s reading. Write a brief summary, and explain why you felt the article was relevant. discuss two to four (2-4) strategies to use surveys to help a global business, especially regarding ethical behavior, labor relations, and work conditions.

HR Culture question​ Research two or more organizations’ corporate websites and examine their organizational culture in regards to diversity. In a 2-3 page, APA formatted paper, compare and

HR Culture question​ Research two or more organizations’ corporate websites and examine their organizational culture in regards to diversity. In a 2-3 page, APA formatted paper, compare and contrast these organizations and identify several strengths and weaknesses of each. From your analysis determine which you believe to be the more inclusive culture and why. APA […]

Write a high-level strategic human resource management plan (3-4 pages). The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the thought process managers use to connect unit goa

Write a high-level strategic human resource management plan (3-4 pages). The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the thought process managers use to connect unit goals with organizational strategy. The students are not expected to produce a detailed strategic plan (which in actual organizations can exceed 100 pages). Rather, the expectation is that students […]

Interpreting Results of a Hypothesis Test for a Population Mean

The average body temperature for healthy adults is 98.6° F. Is this statement true? Do all healthy people have exactly the same body temperature? A study was conducted a few years go to examine this belief. The body temperatures of n = 130 healthy adults were measured (half male and half female). The average temperature […]

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