HR Management

Sales Force

For companies that have a mission of selling, a major objective is to motivate the salespeople.  While that are many factors that go into motivating these people, one of the primary factors is the compensation plan that describes how they will be rewarded. Research a large organization’s sales force and its compensation plan.Write a five […]

“Employee Testing”

Evaluate the types of employee testing that companies may require that are discussed in the text. Determine the two tests that you consider the most important. Support your reasoning. Go to Human Metric’s Website and take the Jung Typology Test™ (sample of the Myers Briggs personality test). Next, examine your test results. Determine whether you believe this […]

dq 100 words

in your response you identified include incident reports, reassessment tools, and life status review checklist as assessment tools that are used by practitioners with a human service degree. Tell us more about each of thees tools. For example, what exactly is an incident report, when is it used and what is it assessing? Tell us […]

Discussion Board Human Resource

Only need one paragraph. Discuss the following statement: Even though efforts to restrict employees’ free speech at work may be permissible, such efforts raise troubling questions affecting individual rights.

Employee Selection

Compare and contrast the structured interview, situational interview, and behavioral interview. Determine which type of interview would be more beneficial when interviewing applicants. Support your selection. In the selection of the candidate, determine if the manager should make the final choice or if others should be included in the final decision. Support your position

Open Heart Surgery

Open Heart Surgery For this Dropbox assignment, please read Case 19: The Case for Open Heart Surgery at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital.  Create a 3- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word document that answers the following questions. Why is the hospital considering this additional service? Does the hospital and community really need this service? Why or […]


$30 DQ SOC Based on the lecture and Webtext materials, address the following: Every country in the world is constructed around the same set of institutional frameworks that differ only in how governments manage them. Identify the specific components of an institution. Next, use two (2) examples of institutions —such as a financial system, a […]

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Assignment 1: Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson (Case Study from Chapter 2) Due Week 3 and worth 240 points Read the case titled: “Prioritizing Projects at D. D. Williamson” found in Chapter 2. Write a nine (9) page paper in which you: Analyze the prioritizing process at D. D. Williamson. Suggest two (2) recommendations […]

human factor in flight

1. Go to this article: There you will find 12 common reasons for aviation accidents attributed to human error. Read the article and then select ONE of the “dirty dozen” for further research.2. Go to Do a search of fatal aviation accidents based upon the search term that you chose. Select one of those accidents to discuss in class on July 3rd (next […]

Assignment 1: Discussion Assignment

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by Saturday, June 24, 2017. To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in […]

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