HR Management

Help for HR Recruitment & Selection Mid-Term

I need a human resource subject matter expert to complete assignment by 11:30pm EST Saturday July 1, 2017. 

HELP!! HR Proper Job Classification MidTerm

Need HR specialist to complete assignment by Saturday, July 1, 2017 by 11:30pm EST.  Instructions are attached along with written rubrics, and supplemental information.  This is a 5-7 page assignment and a job description for Mr. Williams.  This must include a reference list with APA citations.

Protection Specialist

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on best practices related to the Protection Specialist profession. Include the following: Advantages and disadvantages of armed and unarmed protections Techniques for unarmed close-in protection Defensive and offensive driving techniques Legal considerations for the use of force during executive protection operations Continuum of use of force options from protection specialists’ presence […]

Due in 2 hours!!!!! : Discussion—Laws that Drive Policies, Procedures, and Practices

HR laws—federal, state, and local—drive HR policies, procedures, and practices. This assignment will focus on HR laws. The legal environment greatly influences HR practice. Using the Argosy University online library resources and applicable government Web sites, conduct research in HR laws that drive HR policies, procedures, and practices. Then, respond to the following: What are […]

Assignment 2: Case Study—Training Assessment

Training assessment is an important task for HR personnel. Use the Argosy University online library and textbooks to read about training assessments. Then, consider the following scenario: You have recently been appointed as a training manager for the southeast region of a major supermarket chain in the U.S. Your territory includes 15 retail stores. Your […]

Assignment 2: Required Assignment 2—Career Development Plan

In this assignment, you will recommend the components of a career development planning program and explain how the plan will integrate the organization’s mission and value statements. Consider the following scenario: You work in the HR Department of an electric power company in the southwestern region of the U.S. The company was founded in 1940 […]


Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the inventory section of two companies using basic comparative analysis, and to interpret the data to gain insight about the company’s inventory management. Assignment Steps Resources: Appendices D and E located in Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making Note: While the data are not from […]


Over the last 50 years, the United States labor economy has changed from a manufacturing to service and technology focus. Other than the obvious changes, such as fewer mine tragedies and more carpal tunnel syndrome, what other trends in employment safety do you predict, and what is your evidence for that prediction? How should companies […]


Comment on your thinking of the “So That Statement” for Reyes HR department (this is the mission statement which describes the Who, What and Why of the HR team).  Who: The HR Team are strategic positioners who What: Serve their internal customers to ensure core employee competencies, an engaged workforce and co-creation of strategic initiatives Why: So […]


PMP Complete the assignment answering all of the questions by addressing the aspect of the performance management plan. ·       Use complete sentences with details and examples ·       Each explanation should be in 1 -2 paragraphs ·       Please cite and reference all work  (APA format)  1.     Provide a description of your company and employees. For […]

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