HR Management


This essay serves as the next section of your Leadership Coaching Plan. In an essay 1000 words in length, discuss strategies for facilitating coaching dialogue and use coaching mirror techniques. Incorporate the following in your discussion: 1. What is the goal of the coaching dialogue? What do you hope the leader will accomplish through this […]

Due in 1 hour

Explain the purpose of a needs analysis and the necessity of conducting one before implementing training. What risks does one run if a needs analysis is not conducted before training is implemented? In addition, talk about a needs analysis within the context of a well-developed training and development program. 1 Paragraph 1APA source

Assignment 8

Pay, Benefits, and Terms and Conditions of Employment It is your responsibility as the HR Director of the same organization from Assignment 2 to a) create policies regarding pay and benefits for the selected job opportunity, and b) develop methods for both addressing unionization and implementing OSHA regulations. You will present your findings to the […]

discussion 8

“Unions and OSHA”  Please respond to the following: From the first e-Activity, evaluate the overall importance of the National Labor Relations Board. Next, summarize the pertinent details of the case that you have selected, and give your opinion of the Board’s decision and the fairness of the outcome. Support your response with specific details from the […]

Due in 30 mins

Select only one of the outcomes listed below, which will become the focal point of your Discussion Board (DB) response for this week. In your DB response, compare your organization or one that you are familiar with, to another organization based on research from the CSU Global Library, selecting a scholarly peer-reviewed source that addresses […]

1. describe how you plan to obtain letters of recommendation and from whom you wish to get them. 2. Who is an appropriate person to ask for a letter of recommendation? How should you request the letter of recommendation? 3. Should you say thank you o

HA499 Unit 1: Evidence Based Research Methods and Skills – Discussion Topic: Career Skills Before you begin this discussion, review the “ Letters of Recommendation: How and Who To Ask” presentation. As you begin to apply for positions or look for advancement in the position you have, 1. describe how you plan to obtain letters […]

Daisy Arabella

Project 1(1-2 pages) Please answer the following questions: What are the possible legitimate reasons for which an employee can challenge a wrongful termination? In what situations does a terminated employee have no recourse? Project 2(2-3 pages) Use the Library or other Web resources to develop a questionnaire that managers will use when they are interviewing […]

HR 500 Paper

Can anyone do a 6-8 page paper on Recognizing Employee Contributions for HR Management 500? 

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