HR Management

Due Week 6 and worth 140 points

Due Week 6 and worth 140 points Using the company that your instructor previously approved, apply Kotter’s eight (8) steps of change management to an HR situation you have selected for change. You will address all eight (8) of the Kotter steps, developing an action plan for each step. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, […]

Case Study Paper? Wendy?

This paper will summarize the findings of the first two power point presentations and incorporate them into a paper that will add an action plan of major tasks, persons or departments accountable for the actions, time to complete. The time line with be explained in a narrative manner but will also include an action plan […]

Leadership Vision DB

Explain your proposed approach for conducting the necessary research to develop quality deliverables, and explain how the information gleaned from completing the course assignments will support your career development in health care management. Review the approaches proposed by other students, providing objective feedback on opportunities for improvement.


Write a 2- to 3- page paper that addresses the following: Identify the particular program or area of practice that you selected for the Final Project. Identify and describe the peer-reviewed article you selected from the Walden Library. Explain how culture and the article you selected are relevant to the program or area of practice […]

managing organizational discussion 3

You need to coach your HRD team about using the correct process skills that they will have to teach the leadership of Pegasus. Discuss the following: Identify and describe 3 process skills that are necessary for the consultant to have to facilitate change. Describe what will and will not work at Pegasus. Examine the role, […]

managing organizational submission 2

You will be presenting your change design to the department heads of Pegasus. To prepare for this meeting, create a PowerPoint presentation of 6–8 slides (excluding the title and reference slide) with speaker notes of 200–250 words per slide that does the following: Describes a step-by-step process of change for the reorganization. From the 3 […]

managing organizational discussion 2

Now that you have given your team and management an overview of the reorganization and accompanying change impacts, you need to prepare your team to help manage the change. Using the Library, other materials, and credible Internet sources, complete the following: Describe 3 models of change. Discuss their advantages and disadvantages in relation to the […]

Assignment: Data Driven Decision Making

To prepare: Read the United General Hospital ICU Expansion Case Study in your Learning Resources and prepare a PowerPoint presentation (16 slides minimum, with no more than 20 slides excluding your references) that will guide the CEO and board of directors to follow the recommendation(s) presented to expand the hospital’s ICU unit. Keep in mind […]

Share any professional and personal decisions you made in which the concept of time value of money was utilized and include the following

Time value of money analysis has many applications—both personally and professionally. The calculations can be performed using Microsoft Excel, factor tables, or a financial calculator to help make informed decisions, such as planning for retirement, loan decisions, and capital projects. The concept of time value of money helps managers value cash flows and assess risk […]


What does the phrase “culturally responsive teaching” mean to you? How does the use of a culturally responsive pedagogy impact student achievement? 

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