HR Management

Primary vs. Tertiary Health Services

Evaluate the merit of primary vs. tertiary health services related to a population’s health in a country of your choice. Discuss some examples of primary healthcare, like vaccinations, safe drinking water, and basic hygiene. Also provide examples of tertiary healthcare, such as hip replacement, kidney dialysis, and heart surgery. Your paper should be 1-2 pages […]

Criminal Actions

For this module’s discussion, list a few examples of criminal actions that relate to healthcare and its workers. Then share your thoughts on the reasons for why it is necessary to impose criminal actions against healthcare workers who violate the laws within the medical industry. Provide examples and references to support your answers. Please make […]

Country Selection

For this assignment, choose a country for your course project. In 1 -2 paragraphs, explain what country you’ve selected and why. Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension […]

Unethical Practices

This module’s focus is on the Legal System, but in our examination of ethics, it’s important to pay attention to how unethical practices impact the law. Conduct some independent research on some newsworthy unethical practices in healthcare. Use those fact-based accounts as your basis for this assignment. For this module’s assignment, write a 2-3 page […]

2 Questions 700 words

1. 350 words In the article “Who’s to Blame for Creating a Toxic Organizational Culture”  ( ).” Guthrie presents the position that as the leader, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was responsible for harboring an environment that led to what was termed Bridgegate. Based upon what you have learned thus far about leadership and organizational […]

The Color-Line, Part 2

Now it’s time to finish writing your essay from Week 01 and turn it in. Remember, your essay is based on your introduction, thesis, and outline that you turned in last week. Follow these Steps Now Go back to the outline you submitted for Week 01. Is it sound? Revise it to fit your needs. […]

Q & A discussion

Week 1 discussion bshs/405 1) What theory best explains behavior with a population you have worked with or with a population you desire to work? Explain why. 2)  What types of problems should human services target? 3)  What are the major viewpoints about the causes of problem behavior? 4)  How is a crisis defined? 5) […]

Management Assignment: Individual Integrated Case Analysis Walmart

We are required to analyse Walmart company. To analyse Walmart, we have to combine three theories(I attached powerpoint of theories). There are more than three theories in the slides, but we just need to choose three of them. When applying these theories, each theory needs three exact examples(company operation, culture or value) to support it. The case […]

HRM Assignment

Using the Internet, select and research an employment law case no greater than five (5) years old. Write a three to four (3-4) page brief in which you: Summarize the issue of the case, and then explain the employment law that was violated. Evaluate the type of impact the violation had on the organization then […]

Due Friday

Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word theoretical overview paper that includes the following: Explain 3 theories used in the human services practice. Link behavioral problems and causes using one of the theoretical frameworks. Identify interventions for working through behavioral problems. Explain the connection of these behavioral problems to theory-based interventions. Format your paper consistent with APA […]

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