HR Management

Topic selection Module 1

APA format 1 page  Review the list of topics for your project and select the one that you would like to pursue during this course. Detail why you picked your particular topic and why it is important to you. Submit your topic to the drop box along with how you plan to approach the paper. […]

M2_A2 Differences in Care

Assignment 2: Differences in Care Write a 2-3 page paper which incorporates examples of primary, secondary, and tertiary care. Include in the paper an example of a patient who would receive services at the different types of institutions.  Include a brief synopsis of which types of insurance might be accepted at the different types of […]

week 4 question 2

Q:   Prior to developing your training exercise, you must analyze your organization to identify room for potential growth. What obstacles or  barriers did you come across that made this difficult?  Response Q:   How did you determine where growth was needed? Response: Must have a peer reference. 200 words minimum but cannot include questions or peer related […]

Ranking Factors for Government Position

When applying for DC Goverment Jobs, applicant must complete ranking factors. Are you familiar with these? If so, please provide previous work. Ranking Factor #1: Knowledge of the policies, procedures, goals, objectives, operational entities requirements and activities as they apply to the assigned organizational entity in the DCHA. Ranking Factor #2: Experience working with children, […]

M3_A2: LASA 1— Presentation on Shifts in the Healthcare Industry

Assignment 2: LASA 1— Presentation on Shifts in the Healthcare Industry You are a newly hired VP of mergers and special projects.  You have noticed that there are shifts in the healthcare industry and you want to ensure your facility can continue to sustain itself in the future.  You want to make a recommendation to […]

Deliverable 7 – Project Management Report

complete the assignment using the highlighted template below and the information as per instructions APA format NO PLAGARISM  You are assuming the role of the project manager for a company called SuperPacks to provide a new backpack product with a built-in refrigeration pouch and radio module. Your customer for this project is the U.S. Army, […]

Comp Mgt 7

For this assignment, you will compose an essay of at least two pages in which you discuss the following issues: various types of person-focused pay plans, reasons why companies adopt person-focused pay plans, and advantages and disadvantages of person-focused pay plans. Please use the databases within the CSU Online Library to locate scholarly resources to support […]

Comp Mgt 6

Persuasive Essay Many people today believe that U.S. executives are paid too much while others believe that the size of their compensation packages are justified. For this assignment, you will choose which side of the argument you believe to be true, and you will try to persuade your readers to agree with your position. Please […]

Comp Q

When does a leasing company become responsible for leased employee’s retirement benefits? Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Read the case under HR Oops! (in Chapter 4 of your textbook). Use the Argosy University online library for additional research

Read the case under HR Oops! (in Chapter 4 of your textbook). Use the Argosy University online library for additional research, and do the following in a Word document: In 1-2 paragraphs, summarize the case and your research that relates to the case. In 2-3 pages, answer the following: What would be the consequences to an employer […]

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