HR Management

Communication and Mentoring U3

Deliverable Length:  5-7 pages not including the cover and reference page  Assignment Description Write a paper that defines and describes what mentoring is and why it is so important to health care organizations. Analyze the benefits and drawbacks of informal and formal mentoring programs and relationships. Finally, discuss how a mentoring relationship has, or will, support […]

Comm 101

Week 7 Assignment 4: Email Revisions Due Week 7 and worth 100 points Revise the two (2) emails below to remove problematic content and help these students construct polite, effective email messages instead. Scenario 1: Susan is unhappy with her grade in her college class. She wants to clarify what she can do to improve […]

Rank the major ethical issues and dilemmas in business in order of importance (one [1] being the most important). Provide a rationale for your response.

Read the article titled, “Recognition, Reification, and Practices of Forgetting: Ethical Implications of Human Resource Management,” located 

Formulating a Career Plan

Knowing which career you want to pursue is an important first step to tackling your job search and career goals. However, simply identifying an ideal position will not propel you to obtaining these goals.  In order to achieve success, it’s essential to identify the specific action steps you need to take in order to obtain […]


Assignment 1: Ethics and Change In this module, you learned about the elements of change, how leaders and followers respond to change, and the ethical principles that are relevant to leading and effecting change within organizations. For the discussion in this module, you are asked to evaluate the role of ethics in leadership when effecting […]


Welcome to class! Let’s take this time to get to know one another.  In 200-250 words, introduce yourself to the class. In your response address the four bullet points below: Explain the three main components that comprise the study of exercise physiology as described in the text. List 3 possible job opportunities for exercise physiologists. […]

Precompetition PowerPoint Presentation

Precompetition PowerPoint Presentation Fitness experts are often consulted on the best dietary practices prior to a race or competition.  Athletes should understand the importance of consuming high-glycemic carbohydrates prior to competition. Watch the video Eat to Win: Nutrition for Athletes and read Chapter 3 in the course text. Then, create a presentation for athletes on […]

Discussen Due by 3 pm Tuesday

his module’s reading focused on Gianna Angelopoulous-Daskalaki and how she led the bidding organization that secured the 2004 Olympics for Athens and then later the preparations for those Games. After substantial planning problems threatened to cost Greece the Olympics, Angelopoulos was asked to take over the preparations, with only 4 of the 7 years remaining. […]

recruitment methods and techniques.

Field Trip – Recruitment Objectives Assess and identify employer branding techniques Assess online recruiting best practices Examine strategies for recruiting a more diverse workforce Identify various methods used for external recruitment Description This assignment will use the readings and discussions as a base for externally researching and evaluating company websites which use a variety of […]

HRM Report

Need help to HRM report. 3000 words. Will provide the question as well as the pointer to write after I accept the offer. Need it to be submitted to me by 16 June, 12pm (Asia time).  Willing to pay $40. 

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