HR Management

Week 2: HRM520

” Do You Know What It Takes to Design an HRIS Database Management System (DBMS)?: Please respond to the following: First, watch the following two (2) videos from the course Relational Database Fundamentals with Adam Wilbert. Then, respond to the discussion question that follows. • “What is a database management system (DBMS)?” (4 min […]

BUS 434 Compensation & Benefits

Attracting and retaining the most talented employees is essential for long-term organizational success. An important component to attracting and retaining such employees is the design and implementation of an effective compensation and benefit system. Assume the role of a highly regarded human resource consultant hired to review, analyze, and revise the compensation and benefit system […]

What might the information in the figure have to do with labor relations or unions? Think outside the box here.

Begin thinking about you first assignment due in Week 3and read the following article: Why Do Workers Join Unions?  From the article, select at least 2 of the 6 reasons listed you feel might prompt the employees in your selected organization to seek unionization. Why? Next, go the the HR management textbook on page 29 and review […]

Survey of Human Resource Management

0 Deliverable Length:  7-10 pages View objectives for this assignment This assignment is the Common Assignment Details Learn Read My Work   Assignment Description You are the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) at your organization. As the CHRO, one of your primary roles is to be the workforce strategist. Your organization is planning to expand business […]

due today at 11 pm EST

You will complete an in-depth analysis of a current labor event in one of the following countries: China, Hong Kong, France, England/UK, Germany, or Mexico. Pick a single specific topic of labor relations to evaluate, such as strikes, formation, impasse resolution, etc. Pick one of the listed countries to investigate how the chosen labor relations […]

Due Midnight Tonight (Sunday)

Your final instructions are repeated below: Your final task is to combine each weekly project into one master Office Training Program Proposal. A suggested order follows. Develop a detailed proposal for your training program. Please include the following: Title and overall description of the program (Use your material from Weeks 01-04.) Training objectives (From Week 05) Training methods to be used and the rationale for […]


“Using Words Well” Please respond to the following: Review the section on using words ethically in Communication in the Real World, Chapter 3.3; then, identify a situation where you believe language could be used unethically in academic, professional, or personal contexts. Next, suggest three (3) ways your example relates to civility, polarizing language, swearing, or […]

Human Resources Business Law

Pay, Benefits, and Terms and Conditions of Employment It is your responsibility as the HR Director of the same organization from Assignment 2 to a) create policies regarding pay and benefits for the selected job opportunity, and b) develop methods for both addressing unionization and implementing OSHA regulations. You will present your findings to the […]


Training Assessment Imagine you are a strategic HR businesss partner that has been assigned the task to develop a stress management seminar for the company employees. Determine the topics that should be covered in the seminar and support your selection of the topics. It has now been determined that an outside vendor will be used […]


Review the article “Terminating the Employee-Employer Relationship: Ethical and Legal Challenges,” located in the Business Source Complete database of the CSU Online Library by clicking the link below: Van Bogaert, D., & Gross-Schaefer, A. (2005). Terminating the employee-employer relationship: Ethical and legal challenges. Employee Relations LawJournal, 31(1), 49–66. Retrieved from direct=true&db=bth&AN=17091666&site=ehost-live&scope=site This article discusses […]

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