HR Management

“Leadership and Ethics”

“Leadership and Ethics”  Please respond to the following: Use the Internet to research someone you believe to be an ethical leader of a company. Focus on his or her actions of ethical leadership that support your viewpoint. Next, define what you believe constitutes ethical leadership. Provide two (2) examples of the selected leader’s actions that fit […]

Ethics and the Global Economy”

Ethics and the Global Economy”  Please respond to the following: From the case study, examine HR’s role in ensuring that organizations comply with the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the United Kingdom Bribery Act. Determine what you believe to be HR’s biggest challenge in ensuring compliance with FCPA and U.K. Bribery Act, and […]

Case Study for Nicohwilliam

Unit VIII Case Study There are two parts to this assignment. You must complete both parts. Each part must be a minimum of one page in length, for a total of two pages, not counting the title and reference pages. Please incorporate at least two references into the case study assignment. The assignment should be […]

PowerPoint for Nicohwilliam

Unit VII PowerPoint Presentation The 2012 revision to the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires that employers train workers on the GHS- compliant hazard warning labels and safety data sheets (see 1910.1200(h)(3)(iv)). Using Appendices C and D of the current standard as a resource, develop a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation that can be used to train the […]

Questions for NICOHWILLIAM

Question 6 What is a Class I, Division II location? Include an example in your explanation. Include the citation for the OSHA standard where you found the answer to the question. (Your response should be at least 75 words in length.) Question 7 1.     List three uses for flexible cords that are not allowed by Subpart […]

accounting assignment help

The purpose of this assignment is to help students become familiar with the presentation of the income statement and the retained earnings statement, including how parts of the financial statement is evaluated to determine the operational success of the business. Assignment Steps Resources: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making, p. 36 Scenario: On June 1, […]

Bus 372 week 3 discussion response needed

Need help responding to these 2 discussion post Public Pensions and Employer/Labor Relations After reading the Dorfman article, “Public Pensions are Still Marching to Their Death”, respond to the following questions:  What are the political reasons public pensions are underfunded? If the pension problem is political, what steps would have to occur to remedy the […]

Identify an organization related to health care in which you are interested. Write a paper (1,000 to 1,250 words) that addresses the following: What is organizational behavior? What makes up an organization’s culture? What is the significance of the Hawth

I need this done by 6pm eastern time, times Roman 12, apa style, 3 scholarly references Identify an organization related to health care in which you are interested. Write a paper (1,000 to 1,250 words) that addresses the following: What is organizational behavior? What makes up an organization’s culture? What is the significance of the […]

Daisy Arabella Only

Identify the strenghts and weaknesses of Uber by evaluating their resources, capabilities and core competencies. Make at least 6 recommendations to Uber with regards to how they can ensure their compettive advantage in the online transportation network industry.

Discussion Board Forum Replies (2)

Each reply must be 250–300 words. Each thread and each reply must include at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook and relevant scriptural integration. All citations and references must be in current APA format. I need these 2 replies by tonight at 2300 EST 1.     Part of the forced-ranking label reflects the […]

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