HR Management

Social Issues paper

dentify a social issue that health and/or human service organizations address in some capacity and discuss its current impact on group(s) affected by it. When selecting an area of focus, take into account broad topics that have been exhaustively scrutinized at the scholarly level, such as homelessness, mental health, aging, substance abuse, child welfare, etc.  […]

Write between 1100– 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) the word count do not include the title page and reference page using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: ·         Write between 1100– 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) the word count do not include the title page and reference page using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below. ·         Use font size 12 and 1” margins. ·         Include cover page […]

You have been hired by a company as a Human Resource Generalist to create a Human Resources Department for the organization.

You have been hired by a company as a Human Resource Generalist to create a Human Resources Department for the organization. You will be the only employee in this department for the foreseeable future. Create a 6-month plan of things you want to focus on. This can be in a timeline structure (with detailed notes) or […]

Unit VII Case study

Read the incident scenario, and write a response that is at least three pages in length. Your response must include answers to the questions being asked. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying in-text and reference citations in APA format. Scenario: You are the Refinery Emergency […]

Chapter Case Study

Chapter Case Study Going to the Dogs 1.    If you were an HR manager of a company, what pet policy would you set and how would you implement it? 2.    How would you decide the case of Elizabeth Booth, and which laws would you base your decision on? Explain.

Write a paper of at least 525 words describing the relationship between critical thinking and ethics. Include the following in your paper:

Write a paper of at least 525 words describing the relationship between critical thinking and ethics. Include the following in your paper:  A definition of critical thinking A description of the steps in the critical-thinking process A summary of your blind spot and preferred ethical lens from the Ethical Lens Inventory An explanation of how your […]

Setting Goals and Objectives For The Safety Manager- Instructions

Setting Goals and Objectives For The Safety Manager- Instructions Please review the Safety Manager job functions in the separate posted document for this week. Then after reviewing the SMART techniques posting and your textbook readings( How to be good at performance appraisals) author Dick Grots, work from the job functions to create five examples of […]

(Week 5) Two set of discussions questions to post for MBA level Business Employment Law Online!

Please Read Instructions First:  This assignment “DOES NOT” require APA style.  No headers or cover page is needed.  I have to post on online for class.  I attached an “example format for discussion questions” so you can see how the discussions questions should be formatted and answered.  All work should be original with no plagiarism and […]


The learning outcome of this assignment is to understand how to conduct research on a given topic. Also, the outcome includes the application of your research about strategic human resources planning for your HR practice. Research and staying current on HR related topics is a critical need for an HR practitioner as is the knowledge […]

Human Resources Class 8page Paper

MUST: Include 8 sources, cited in APA Include Section Headings 8-10 Pages double spaced MUST BE DONE BY 8PM EST TONIGHT Organization: Sears Holdings Select an organization that either has or is experiencing challenges with its compensation and benefit system. The student will provide a brief historical view of the organization. The student should assess […]

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