HR Management

HR wk 3

provide an example of two (2) of the following techniques or methods that you or someone that you know has endured or witnessed: unfair recruitment, employment application, and interview process. Investigate the extent to which the chosen technique or method left room for prohibited employment practices. Next, recommend key corrective actions that an organization could […]

Reading and answer flowing questions

Read the attachments and answer the questions in the material. There are THREE separate parts. Only need half page for each. first one is module 11 assignment, which are first Two attachments. second one is module 11 discusion, which are next  Two attachments.  last one is module 12 assignment, which is the last attachmnt. Total one and half […]


Assignment Instructions Instructions: One of the most hotly debated subjects in labor relations today is that of ‘Right to Work’ laws. It’s time to do some deeper research and take a position on this controversial issue. In a narrative, do the following: 1. What is the history of ‘Right to Work’ laws? Where did they come from? Who […]

Week 8 Assignment 3: HRM520

With the justification of an HRIS solidified, you need to show your client how you will implement the HRIS by providing a project management roadmap, explaining the costs associated with implementation, and discussing metrics that you will use to measure the success of the HR function. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in […]

Week 8 Discussion: HRM520

Have We Chosen the Right Employee?” Please respond to the following: Once an organization has recruited candidates and they are going through the application process, how do they select the right employee? There are a number of tools and assessments that are used in selecting candidates for any given role. Please respond to the following question: […]

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper

In this assignment, you get the chance to create your dream job and to build its compensation plan and performance appraisal system. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: 1. Create a job description and specifications for your dream job.Complete for Week #4. 2. Design a compensation and benefits package related […]

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.

Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center. Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Assignment 2: Proposal for Organizational Learning Issues Due Week 8 and worth 300 points Using the information from Assignment 1 and the supporting documents, you must create a proposal for your CEO […]

Managing People in the Public Sector

Question 1. Questions of equity and fairness are always raised in the application proccess. What is your position on the use of electronic recruiment methods? Question 2. Why is the educator most important to the human resource manager? Question 3. What is the interest of the Fair Labor Standards Act(FLSA) of 1938 and the Equal […]

Analyze the quality of the company’s existing products or services.

Investing in products and services should produce returns so that stockholders, stakeholders, and others are interested in the organization.In this assignment, you will learn about a new product or service. Tasks: For M1 Assignment 3 (“Understanding the Numbers for Better Decisions”), you chose a publicly-traded company and analyzed its financial statements. Use that company to do the […]

Week 3 Assignment 1: HRM520

Read the details of the Gladwell Grocery Stores case scenario. In this assignment, you will provide Mr. Bell with an assessment of the current business based on the details of the scenario. You will describe the company in terms of size, industry, type of business, number of stores, etc., and explain to Mr. Bell why […]

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