

Using the FBI’s general classification system of domestic terrorists (right wing; left wing and single issue; or international), which is most prevalent in the United States and why? Provide examples and include support for your reasoning.

Identify and discuss a social justice issue in co

Identify and discuss a social justice issue in contemporary society (within the last two years) that specifically relates to equality, solidarity, or human rights. Make sure to cite a periodical that covers this issue.

different types of trace evidence and how it is c

different types of trace evidence and how it is collected and analyzed for cases


Question Question 1 Fact Pattern (Next two questions refer to this) The Florida Supreme Court decides the case of Metro Convention Center, Inc. v. Urban Sports Team LLC. Of the nine justices, six believe the judgment should be in Metro’s favor. Justice Rubio, one of the six, writes a separate opinion. The three justices who […]


Question Question 1 Ryan, a follower of a certain religion, publishes an article in Secular Sunday magazine insisting that Congress base all federal law on his religious principles. The First Amendment guarantees Ryan’s freedom of A. the press, speech, and religion. B. speech and the press only. C. none of the choices. D. religion only. […]

Drafting a contract for American Idol tv show you as new judge.

i have hard copy of the assignment of few pages which consists a data of show dates, timings and locations. It also contains a sample template.

Kelly Jacobs ONLY #2!!

Question#1: Edwin Delattre’s, “Character and Cops” identified the importance of character and virtue. What does he say about this and why is it important regarding ethics and the police? Question#2: The author states; that the police are not better equipped than the general population in making difficult and complicated moral decisions. How does he support […]

If we were able to predict premeditated murders in the future by somehow scanning the minds of citizens, is this…

If we were able to predict premeditated murders in the future by somehow scanning the minds of citizens, is this enough evidence to apprehend and take legal action against them? What would the major ethical perspectives say?


Please find at least two articles (you may use more if you would like) for this assignment: one in favor of affirmative action and one against affirmative action. Using your articles as sources, in 350-400 words, please address the following: Briefly discuss the history of affirmative action in the United States. Then answer the following […]

Can you help me doing this paper?

Hello, I have this paper due this Thursday, it is only 2 pages. Everything is explained below. CISG Paper – 2 pages.  “You are President of a U.S. based manufacturing company.  You are planning to purchase 100 tons of steel piping from a Russian based Steel Company. “ What issues under CISG would you want […]

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