

No Title page Need 150 words. There is attachemnet on the topic Respond your thoughts about the discussion below. Cite and reference what was used to support your answer In this reading what I found interesting was the possibility of abolishing the juvenile system. When I first read this I was thinking “what no way […]

Criminal Justice

Topic 1 of 2: Role in Policing The traditional policing role has changed with the events of the nation, including 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. How has the policing role, as first responders and scene containment, changed and what is the police role in Homeland Security? Topic 2 of 2: Racial Profiling As the head of […]

Assignment 1 Describing and Applying Victimization Theory

Due Week 4 and worth 150 points Use the Internet and your textbook to research the criminological and victimization theories presented in the group lists below. Select two (2) criminological theories (Group 1), two (2) theories of victimization (Group 2), and fill in the chart below using the following instructions. You will be graded on […]


No Title Page I need a response to bold section below in 150 words cited and references to support answer What started their response below In this Chapter I thought it was very interesting. I feel I wanted to point out Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances for my discussion post. I feel a crime committed by […]


INo Title Page Need 150 word response to the bold section below. Cite and reference to support your response Topic Post In Chapter 7 I wanted to go into further discussion about Public Defenders for Juveniles but in the State of California. I wanted to point out in regards to an aaffiliated institution in the state […]


No Title Page Topic Juvenile Justice System I need 150 words responding to this question below. Cite and reference to support what was said What do we know about labeling theory and what are the kinds of things we do system wide to try to prevent labeling theory?

< Constitutional Principles Chapter 05 Assignment >

True / False Questions 1. (p. 93) The U.S. Constitution establishes a system of government based on the principle of federalism. 2. (p. 93) Congress has the power to enact legislation, but the president can veto a law that Congress passes. 3. (p. 94) The U.S. Constitution explicitly allows courts to review legislative and executive […]

CJA 214 Week 3 Learning Team Policing Organizations Q & A Responses

This pack contains CJA 214 Week 3 Learning Team Policing Organizations Q & A Responses

LAW 575 Week 4 DQ3

This pack of LAW 575 Week 4 DQ3 contains the answers on: How do government regulatory agencies and laws impact business organizations? Choose one or two specific governmental regulatory requirements, and explain what affects they have on business organizations. Determine methods for managing the legal risks and compliance issues that arise because of these requirements.

SEC 410 Week 5 DQ 4

This paperwork of SEC 410 Week 5 Discussion Question 4 includes: What are card readers and combination lock pads? Why are they significant in protecting facility access points?

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