
SEC 450 Week 2 DQs and Summary

This work of SEC 450 Week 2 Discussion Questions and Summary consists of: DQ 1: Describe two or more countries that are at odds with one another and the implications this has on world security. What is the impact of these issues to neighboring countries?DQ 2: What is the role that the UN has in […]

CJA 383 Week 5 DQ 1

This archive file of CJA 383 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 comprises: Do inmates have a right to privacy? What does this mean in terms of correctional officers of one gender guarding prisoners of another gender?

CJA 214 Week 1 DQs

This pack of CJA 214 Week 1 Discussion Questions shows the solutions to the following problems: DQ 1: What is policing? How would you classify the history of policing? What changes to present day policing would you recommend changing? Why? Explain. DQ 2: What is an example of policing? How does the relationship of government […]

CJS 200 Week 6 Checkpoint Courtroom Players Response

This paperwork of CJS 200 Week 6 Checkpoint Courtroom Players Response consists of: Write: a 200 to 300 word response in which you address the following questions:


Question 1 of 20 5.0 Points Which of the following best describes what victim precipitation means? A. The offender carefully selects victims with certain characteristics. B. The offender lacks a mens rea. C. The victim somehow caused his or her own victimization. D. The victim instigated criminal prosecution. Question 2 of 20 5.0 Points Using […]

Juvenile Justice System Paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing the key parameters of the juvenile justice system in the United States. Address the following: The historical development of the juvenile justice system. Use case law or legislation to strengthen your discussion. Predominant philosophy of the juvenile system Key differences between the juvenile and adult systems Distinguish between […]

Cross Tabulation Application

Application: Cross Tabulation Variable relationships are very important in quantitative research. They tell researchers what effect different variables have upon one another. One of the easiest ways to display relationships between variables is through a cross-tabulation (cross-tab). A cross-tab is simply a chart that shows frequency or distribution of one or more variables for every […]

Ethics in Quantiative Analysis

Criminal Justice Research 6216 Discussion – Week 10 COLLAPSE DiscussionEthics in Quantitative Analysis  As this week’s introduction suggested, ethical questions sometimes arise in research and data analysis. These ethical questions can have wide-ranging consequences for the researcher, the field of criminal justice, and for the populations that might be affected by decisions based on this […]

organizational risk assessment

1,400- to 1,750-word paper discussing the role and nature of organizational risk management in justice and security organizations and why it is important. Address the following in your assessment: Planning for risk and identifying resources. How justice and security organizations manage risk. Costs associated in managing risk. Consequences of failing to manage risk. Benefits a properly […]

CRMJ 415 Week 3 Assignment Critical Thinking Analysis-Gay Bashing

This pack of CRMJ 415 Week 3 Assignment Critical Thinking Analysis-Gay Bashing encompasses: TCOs: 1 Defining deviance, types of deviance 4 Criminal behavior, violence Case: Matthew Shepard, a young homosexual man who was a student at the University of Wyoming, died on October 12, 1998 of severe injuries received from a brutal and prolonged attack […]

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