
Course – Victimology Imagine that you have been asked to deliver a podcast to a community that has recently been in the news due to a rise in hate crimes. Write your assignment as if it were a transc

Course – Victimology  Imagine that you have been asked to deliver a podcast to a community that has recently been in the news due to a rise in hate crimes. Write your assignment as if it were a transcript of your podcast. Address the following in your podcast transcript. Explain what determines whether or not […]

Dewayne, a driver for Speedy Delivery Company, leaves the truck’s motor running in neutral and carelessly forgets to set the parking brake while making a delivery. The truck rolls and crashes into a n

Dewayne, a driver for Speedy Delivery Company, leaves the truck’s motor running in neutral and carelessly forgets to set the parking brake while making a delivery. The truck rolls and crashes into a nearby gas station pump, igniting a fire that spreads quickly to a construction site a block away. A burned wall collapses onto a crane, […]

homework help

homework help

It has become more difficult to recruit highly qualified candidates for municipal police services and then once hired, difficult again to retain them. In a 2 to 3 page essay in APA formatting style, d

It has become more difficult to recruit highly qualified candidates for municipal police services and then once hired, difficult again to retain them. In a 2 to 3 page essay in APA formatting style, discuss why it is difficult to recruit highly qualified candidates and retain them. What changes need to be made in government […]

Write an essay of 750 to 1,000 words addressing the following: How can Christian leadership in the criminal justice system assist in the administration of incarcerated persons?Discuss whether an adher

Write an essay of 750 to 1,000 words addressing the following: How can Christian leadership in the criminal justice system assist in the administration of incarcerated persons? Discuss whether an adherence to Christian values and beliefs can help promote adherence to the Standards of Employee Conduct and the Federal Bureau of Prisons policies in general. […]

Subject: Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice Question 1:What are some methods to getting the community involved in neighborhood issues and problem identification? What are the benefits and

Subject: Management and Supervision in Criminal Justice Question 1:What are some methods to getting the community involved in neighborhood issues and problem identification? What are the benefits and disadvantages to having the community involved in problem identification?  Minimum 500 words. Question 2: What are the differences and similarities between community-oriented policing services and problem-oriented policing? minimum […]

pls read the attached file

pls read the attached file

Review and conduct research on the following goals included in the reentry process: Goal 1: Address housing needs of inmates post-incarceration.Goal 2: Assist inmates in obtaining employment post-r

Review and conduct research on the following goals included in the reentry process: Goal 1: Address housing needs of inmates post-incarceration. Goal 2: Assist inmates in obtaining employment post-release. Goal 3: Provide resources for mental health, medical, and substance abuse treatment during and after incarceration. Goal 4: Connect offenders with appropriate government benefits. Write a 1,050- […]

When you think about working professionally with LBGT groups, are there traits, characteristics, or other issues about the group you would be curious about, concerned about, or intimidated by? Why wou

When you think about working professionally with LBGT groups, are there traits, characteristics, or other issues about the group you would be curious about, concerned about, or intimidated by? Why would understanding diverse clients be important to you during the reentry planning process? Why it is important to acknowledge and understand diversity and differences during […]

Write a 525- to 700-word paper exploring the importance of the three phases. Include the following information: Describe the significance of client participation during the helping process.Discuss how

n this assignment, case management (including case plan development) must be used based on the specific needs of an offender. A strength-based approach to case management services must also be implemented. Case management professionals follow a three-phase process, known as the helping process, to provide the support and structure needed to help others. The helping […]

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