
free speech

What are your thoughts about the assertions made in the opinion piece entitled Gawker and the End of Free Speech?Do you believe that the First Amendment protects online speech, even if that speech is perceived by individuals or groups of individuals as offensive? Does society in general have the right to penalize persons or entities that […]

HR employment law

I worked for a company who violated laws I reported this through the Open Door Policy and i recieved harsh punishment such as manufactured false adverse actions with suspensions, and a wrongful termination(submitted false docments to hide the truth, denied benefits) . I was injured on the job and I reported to my superiors in a timely […]


What elements of today’s environment affect the nature and practices of corrections in different regions of the country?  Please provide an example of a case you reviewed. Provide at least 1 APA reference. You are REQUIRED to respond to at least 2 peers with a substantial response that adds to the discussion.

BA370 Employment Law week 6 assignment

select two court cases from different chapters

crime justice

Discuss the contribution that victim surveys and self-reported surveys make to our understanding of criminal offending.  What are the advantages of these two tools compared to the UCR?What are the potential problems with victim surveys and self-reported surveys as data collection tools? Make sure your response is thoughtful and free of grammar and spelling errors. […]

In a one to two page paper please explain in deta

In a one to two page paper please explain in detail the in-take process and how an inmate is classified.  This paper should be completed using APA (6th edition) style and include a title page and a reference page that does not count toward the required length.


Do you believe that in some circumstances probation may be more or less effective than incarceration? Why? What conditions of release do you believe are most effective for probation? Provide at least 1 APA reference. You are REQUIRED to respond to at least 2 peers with a substantial response that adds to the discussion.


Question 1 In the past, how did criminologists view crime victims? As an indirect role in a criminal incident. As merely the passive targets of a criminal’s anger or greed. As fully responsible for the criminal incident. As an active role in the incident. 10 points   Question 2 Which of the following is considered […]


everything is in the rubric . see attachment below

business torts

explain two type of torts a business may be liable fo

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