
International terrorism DB

300 words 1 reference Describe a terror incident within North America that had ties to a international terror movement, such as the Boston Marathon Bombing for April 2013. 

Miss Professor Only

Identify a specific governmental agency referenced in the textbook. ICC   Interstate Commerce Commision FTC  Federal Trade Commission FDA  Food and Drug Admisistraion SEC Securities and Exchange Comission FCC  Federal Communications Commission Then do the following: Discuss the role of the agency. Present arguments for and against its role in the regulation of business.

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Worth 200 points HINT: See Chapters 10-14 of the text to help understand some of the legal issues covered in this assignment. Jim and Laura Buyer visit the local car dealership because they are interested in buying a new car. The car they currently have is aging and is starting to have mechanical problems. Jim […]


Resources: City of Kelsey Demographics; Critical elements of the crisis intervention team model of jail diversion: An expert survey and The National Alliance on Mental Illness website Navigate to the City of Kelsey Demographics: Click the Virtual Organizations link. Click Government. Click City of Kelsey. Click City Government. Click Kelsey Profile. Review the city demographics. Create a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) proposal for the City of Kelsey […]


Write 150 words about the atttachment, What was the Chapter about? What did you think was interesting/ What can add to discussion? Explain

help repost

In this assignment, you will take the annotated bibliography that you made in Week 2 and prepare a literature review with the material that will bring forth the ideas of your study. Literature reviews have many citations. This literature review will analyze and evaluate previous research on the topic. A literature review is not a […]

Policy Issues Paper/Child Exposure to Domestic Violence

Policy Issues  View the following Films on Demand videos:  Child Exposure to Domestic Violence  Format your work consistent with APA guidelines.  In this assignment option, you will express your thoughts and opinions regarding the content of your selected podcast in a short paper. Choose one of the two videos located in this week’s Required Learning Activities. Write […]

Business Law-Contract Law

Instructions Write an essay between 800 and 1000 words using proper APA formatting including citation and reference on the following: What are the key areas in which contract law has evolved from traditional concepts to addressing equitable solutions or complex modern day transactions and structures? What is the impact of compromising certainty in the interest […]

Midterm essay question

This is a midterm assignment and the information for this assignment is attached. Please thoroughly read the instructions for the MIDTERM ESSAY ONLY PLEASE. Below is the link for the article to help with the midterm essay question.


Reading and Resources Textbook: Crime Without Borders: An Introduction to International Criminal Justice, Chapter IV This chapter describes how international criminal law can cross borders into domestic courts in different countries and the challenges of distinguishing between domestic laws and international laws. Article: Alexey Ivanov and Vasiliy Gorshkov: Russian Hacker RouletteWhen reading this article, students […]

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