
Business LAW Memorandum paper

WARNING!!!!! PLEASE KNOW ABOUT LAW BEFORE ASKING TO DO THIS! !!! WARNING!!!!! PLEASE KNOW ABOUT LAW BEFORE ASKING TO DO THIS! !!! WARNING!!!!! PLEASE KNOW ABOUT LAW BEFORE ASKING TO DO THIS! !!! SCENARIO: Mary Jane and Allen Greene, a married couple, own a high-end costume jewelry manufacturing and distribution company called Greene’s Jewelry Wholesale, […]

Memorandum for prof.linda-harris

I have attached the chapter from the book as well as the ‘senerio’ that the memorandum needs to be about.

unit 5 db

Inmates at the prison you work in like the drug program because it gives them extra perks that they cannot get anywhere else. It is important that the inmates not malinger in order to gain access to the program because it is limited to those with actual addictions and those who desire a real recovery. […]

unit 4 ip

Age, gender, race, mental health status, economic status and family bond all have some impact on drug use and addiction.  You are working in a halfway house for inmates that accepts low-risk offenders. The home will take inmates who are occasional drug users but not drug addicts due to risk management issues. They take into […]

CJA 375 Emergency Management Paper

**Must be new and original work** Utilize the Internet to locate a major incident involving multi-agency emergency management event. Possible events include: 9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center I-35 Bridge Collapse 1989 San Francisco Earthquake Hurricane Katrina Write a 1,000 word paper where you: Give a summary of the event Outline the response by police and fire […]

Can anyone help?

You have been hired to manage a particular aspect of the new adult addictions center. It is your job to write a proposal to bring to the next board meeting so that funds can be allocated to initiate your plans. This is the brainstorming stage of the planning. Your proposal will need to be scrutinized […]

CJUS 350 #4 Replies

1 day ago Michael Schaff DB #4 Collapse Top of Form 1.      What are your views on the idea of an unwritten code of conduct governing the behavior of police and corrections officers? While we all know that the unwritten code of conduct is alive and well in almost all public service jobs, it is […]


Collecting Evidence As the Digital Forensic Manager at Triton Corporation, you receive a request from the Internal Affairs Director that an employee was found to be looking at inappropriate images of children engaged in sex acts. The images were supposed to be on a 10 gigabyte USB drive that was confiscated by the IA Director. The Director advises […]


If your last name begins with the letters H through O (5th Amendment). Create a five to eight slide PowerPoint explaining the 5th Amendment. Additionally, provide 50 to 75 words of explanations for each of your PowerPoint slides in the discussion area, just as you would present an oral presentation explaining the slides on the topics […]


Cracking Passwords While digitally processing the USB device obtained from an employee at the Triton Corporation, who was allegedly looking at child pornography, you find several password protected files and other files with headers that don’t match the extension. Compose a 2-3 page paper describing the procedures for retrieving the evidence with some of the forensic tools and hexadecimal […]

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