
Prevelance of Mental Illness and Juvenile Deliquency

Connection between Mental Health and Juvenile Delinquency Articles for references attached:  APA format— 2400 words Problem: What is the prevelance of Mental illness in youth offenders? Detailed solution: Why should the Juvenile Justice System be concerned about delinquent youth’s mental health? What assessments are currently in place to identify and treat mental illness in these […]

Assignment 1: Prisoner Programming as It Relates to Inmate Characteristics

Prison officials deal with different categories of inmates, such as aging, mentally ill, or violent inmates. To ensure rehabilitation, prosocial behavior, and reduction and elimination of violent behavior among prisoners, there must be proper programming. When considering the proper programming for prisoners, criminogenic factors and needs must be taken into account. Programming is recommended based […]

Criminal Procedure II

Part I In what Amendment is the “right to counsel” found? Is this a fundamental right? Why? When does it apply?  Should the “right to counsel” be expanded or limited? Why?   Should the “right to counsel” exist? Why? Part II 1. Case Summary Using your text and the internet, in narrative format with a minimum […]

Week 3 essay

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following: Select two of the punishment goals discussed in the textbook. How are these goals similar to each other? How are they different? Do you think the models you selected are effective deterrents? Why or why not? Provide at least two real-life criminal justice cases […]

M4-Assignment 1: Prisoner Programming as It Relates to Inmate Characteristics

Prison officials deal with different categories of inmates, such as aging, mentally ill, or violent inmates. To ensure rehabilitation, prosocial behavior, and reduction and elimination of violent behavior among prisoners, there must be proper programming. When considering the proper programming for prisoners, criminogenic factors and needs must be taken into account. Programming is recommended based […]

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Criminology Matrix: Timeline and What Makes a Good Theory

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Criminology Matrix: Timeline and What Makes a Good Theory Here’s What Happened . . . Understanding the various criminological theories and their interrelated concepts is a daunting task. From classicism to the Chicago school, key terms, theorists, and other important information can get lost in the shuffle. Here’s What You Need […]

Assignment 2: Punishment vs. Rehabilitation: What Society Wants vs. What Works

It’s a popular notion that harsh punishment in prison should act as a deterrent to crime. The slogan “to be tough on crime” often extends to the conditions in prison. The evolution of punishment has included executions, corporal punishment, hard labor, and exile. Despite the presence of harsh punishments since the last twenty years, there […]

Assignment 1: LASA 2: Centervale State Penitentiary Management of Prison Violence

The Ninth Circuit Court has received a large number of complaints filed by prisoners claiming that their civil rights are being violated because they are housed in accommodations made unsafe due to the frequent outbursts of violence in the Centervale State Penitentiary. As a result, the Ninth Circuit Court judge has given the governor an […]


This paper must be in APA format including title, abstract, and reference page. this paper should be 800 words, and should be written on, What is the best way to develop a team? What type of leadership will work best to develop a team?

CJA 375 Week 5 Emergency Prepardness

*****MUST BE NEW AND ORIGINAL WORK***** Use the attached paper as the basis for this paper.  Write a 1050- to 1,400-word paper covering: Summarize the event and the response by police and fire agencies Detail the roles within structured command Discuss the emergency management leadership theories utilized in the event. Outline how leadership deals with the community […]

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