
phd isaac newton/NS

Please answer each question as a discussion post – 200 words  Readings:  Hepburn & Simon (2013) Part V, VI, VII: Chapters 10-15 Assignment: View the movie Very Young Girls (2008).  In the online course shell for this class, there are three discussion questions posted for you to respond to.  In addition to posting your own response, you will be required […]

phd isaac newton/409F

I need two papers  You are a retired municipal police chief. Post retirement you worked as a manager in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. For the last three years, you were assigned to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City and served as a law enforcement liaison with the Mexican federal drug trafficking investigation division. […]

phd isaac newton/NSF

Assessment Artifact The student will research and write a 10 page, APA formatted paper and prepare a Power Point presentation, comparing and contrasting the policy implications of sex trafficking in three nations. Consider factors such as impact on law enforcement, courts, and corrections, illicit drug economies, supply and demand, victims or offenders, or social media. […]

phd isaac newton/409

I need two papers  Assignment #3 – Contemporary Issue / Globalization of Crime Research Paper (Assessment) – 25 points Select any contemporary issue that impacts the law enforcement profession or an issue related to the globalization of crime that challenges you and is of concern to your current law enforcement agency Utilizing the journal article […]

Who’s adminstrator?

You are the administrator on call for a local hospital and you receive a call at 2:00 a.m. from another local hospital regarding a patient with a broken upper arm. The ED physician’s assistant is calling to arrange an EMTALA transfer from his hospital to yours, but the orthopedic physician on call at your hospital […]

Week 6 serial killers

Male vs. Female For this assignment you will search YouTube for both male and female serial killers.  Once you have made your selection, in 2-4 pages, compare and contrast the male versus the female serial killer. In your submission, include the following: What was the investigative process? What was the motive for the murders? What […]

Assignment 2: internal and external stakeholders Need ASAP

Assignment 2: Internal and External Stakeholders Due Week 4 and worth 120 points Considering your chosen topic answer the following questions related to stakeholders: Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you address the following: Identify the Internal and External Stakeholders. Discuss how internal or external stakeholders have influenced the situation in […]

Systems Management

Systems Management Overview:
 You are the Information Security Officer of Mahtmarg Manufacturing a small manufacturing company worth approximately $5 Million who provides fiber cable to local businesses, individual customers and to government organizations. In the course of the next eight weeks you will be creating your Information Security Plan (Issue-Specific Security Policy in Table 4-3 […]

3 part essay 4pages

The Uniform Crime Reports page on the FBI government Web site provides links for their annual Crime in the United States publications. Before you are able to view one of these reports, you are given the following disclaimer: Caution Against Ranking Each year when Crime in the United States is published, some entities use reported figures to compile rankings of […]

Dropbox Assignment: Discuss probation and parole

This assignment examines Probation and Parole (P&P) including but not limited to: defining P&P, different types of P&P conditions, the legal environment, and the job of the P&P officer.

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