

Research the following program from the State California: Sexual Assault Write a 2100 – word report about your selected program that addresses the following: The type of family system in crisis the program was designed to help The mission of the program How the program was designed How services are delivered Intervention strategies used in this program […]

Week 7 Discussioncrj

“Theft Crimes” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, determine the key elements of credit fraud identification. Next, discuss the fundamental ways in which to detect credit fraud, and analyze the main reasons why it is difficult to prove such a fraud. Justify your response. Argue for or against this statement: Merchants and their employees […]

Week 6 Discussion crj

Homicide and “Born Alive” Requirement” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, give your opinion of Jack Kevorkian’s saying, “dying is not a crime”, and analyze the manner in which his actions rose to the level of homicide. Provide one (1) example of his actions that meet the elements of a homicide. Review State v. […]


Write 150 word response to question below. Need to cite and reference to support answer Consider the role of criminal justice professionals in providing services in the following cases: juvenile delinquency, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and helping the elderly. Are there similarities and differences of the professionals’ role?” Explain your answer


Write 150 word response to the question below. Need to cite and reference to support answer What applied intervention strategies can criminal justice professionals use for families in crisis? Explain your answer.


Write 150 word response about the Chapter in the attachment, What is Chapter 9 about? What did you think was interesting about the Chapter? What can add to expand the discussion about the Chapter? Explain

CJUS 410 #3 Replies

4 days ago Logan Wolf DB 3–Wolf Collapse Top of Form I believe that in this case, the evidence should be admissible in court. I believe this, because just like in Davis v. Washington, 547 U.S. 813 (2006), the woman in this scenario was not testifying or reporting a past crime. She attempted to call […]

What is the Spoils system in government? How do agencies benefit or take advantage?

What is the practice of the spoils system evident within today’s public administration agencies? Explain whethor or not is the spoils system becoming obsolete in its current state. If so, How? Explain how the spoils system works  and come up with 3 points that gives it rationale for being implemented intially? How does agencies benefit  […]

law Q

i need this within 15 houres essay questions ·         what crimes can you charged someone with o   assault o   battery o   robbery ·         issue ·         state rule ·         apply the rule to the facts ·         then provide a conclusion this is the Q On a sunny, breezy, Sunday afternoon in late October 2016, Regina George […]

legal assigment listed below as well as in document at the bottom

1. Thoroughly defined the elements of a legal contract using examples from the scenario where applicable. 2. Thoroughlydecided whether or not there was a contract for the purchase of the automobile. 3. Thoroughlyidentified the facts from the scenario which support your decision on whether or not a contract exists for the purchase of the automobile. […]

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