
postpurchase evaluation is cognitive dissonance, marketing homework help

Answer 3 question bellow (maximum 200 words) A key issue in postpurchase evaluation is cognitive dissonance –the anxiety or “buyer’s remorse” that can linger after high-involvement purchasing decisions. Research has shown that some consumers are more likely to read ads for a product they already have purchased than ads for competing brands. Purchasing high-priced products, products that […]

Walmart company, Positioning Presentation mkt 421 help

Using the Walmart company you chose for your Week 2 assignment, choose a product or service the company offers on which to focus. Identify the important attributes for your chosen product and select two key variables for your perceptual map.  Prepare a perceptual map for your chosen product/brand and using a minimum of seven competitors, rank […]

MKT 230 Week 3 CheckPoint Consumer Decision Making Process

This work contains MKT 230 Week 3 CheckPoint Consumer Decision Making Process

A high-end market research firm has contacted your boss and is trying to sell some business to your organization. Upper…

A high-end market research firm has contacted your boss and is trying to sell some business to your organization. Upper management does not want to appear incompetent, so they have asked you to research and explain three major ways multivariate statistics are used in a business. Small Group Discussion Research the library, and provide at […]


Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation illustrating your promotional strategy. Compile the information presented in your previous papers. Include the following in the presentation: Explain your promotional strategy for your product or service. Include how you will use at least three of the following elements: Advertising Public relations Digital marketing, including social media […]


MKT571  New Product Launch Marketing Plan, Part III Complete the final phase of your New Product Launch Marketing plan. Using the sample Marketing Plan in Marketing and Management (pp. 60-65), consider your product launch to date, reflect on additional learning, and refine to create a Marketing Plan for your new product. Your plan should be […]

MKT 455 Week 2 Individual Assignment E-Marketing Persuasion Memo

This file of MKT 455 Week 2 Individual Assignment E-Marketing Persuasion Memo gives the solution to: Imagine you are a marketing representative at Kudler Fine Foods, which is found in your Virtual Organization portal. The company is launching a new product line of healthy snacks to boost sales. You must persuade the chief marketing officer […]

MKTG 420 Week 3 DQ 1 Building Customer Relationships

This file of MKTG 420 Week 3 DQ 1 Building Customer Relationships comprehends: A key to building a strong customer relationship is to demonstrate relating skills with the customer.a) What are some of these skills? b) Describe ways that a sales representative can demonstrate these skills in a customer relationship?c) What behaviors can cause tension […]

MKT 230 Week 9 Capstone DQ

This work of MKT 230 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question includes: How has learning about marketing concepts given you a better understanding of the market place and how businesses and consumers make decisions? Has what you have learned about marketing increased your interest in a future career in marketing? What do you value most from […]

Market Structure and Competitor Analysis – Discussion

Topic 1: Competitors In many instances competitors are seen as being detrimental, that is, having fewer competitors is healthier than having many.      Can you consider situations in which having competitors can work to your benefit?           

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