

look in the attacment there are two finl one is the Mid term and the another one for qustion3&5 each questin should be half a paige or more 


look in the attacment there are two finl one is the Mid term and the another one for qustion3&5 each questin should be half a paige or more 

before 5

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper discussing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of conversion that your selected organization (from Week 2) has used, or could use, for a specific product or service in order to adapt to changing markets and social media digital trends. Define the KPI “conversion rate”. Describe three of the most prominent integrated digital marketing practices […]

I need 8 pages of original work in APA format. must be Original! must be APA format with references!

In this assignment, you will analyze and assess the literature on marketing new products, identify key success factors, and provide solutions based on the literature.   Scenario/Background: You have been hired as a consultant to work with the marketing manager for a company of your choice. The company is launching a new product. You have been […]

Marketing Plan

Summarize primary control measures within the plan, such as review dates, how the plan’s progress, actions, or contingency plans will be monitored for risks or difficulties encountered within the plan.  I will need this work done by Tuesday 1800 hrs (6 pm). The essay included is for assistance in making the Control Measure Plan.  This […]

Channels of Distribution

Is distribution an important element of the marketing mix? What value does it add to the product? Describe one of the three major distribution strategies with an example. Discuss whether that strategy was successful including your rationale. Provide a real life example of channel conflict and discuss why the conflict may exist. Submit a 3–4-page […]

Pricing Strategy Discussion Question

Price is an important element of the marketing mix. Create a 300–400-word response and describe the importance of pricing in the marketing mix. Describe three different pricing strategies and provide a real-life example of each in action. Suggest another strategy that would have worked better. What are the steps that need to be followed for […]

marketing resourch

write your own work For this assignment, you must search national and international media outlets find an article related to marketing, business or concepts learned in the course prepare a written summary of the article and upload your written summary to Blackboard. Be sure you type your written summary in a Microsoft Word document and include following information. Alternatively, the attached Current Events […]

Marketing Communiation essay

DUE DATE SAT 08/04 6pm NO PLAGIARISM 4 TO 6 PAGES  Assignment 1: Advertising Campaign Imagine you have been hired to develop an advertising campaign for a brand you are familiar with. Identify a niche that is not being served by this brand. Construct both an advertising campaign and a theme for this niche. Write […]

Marketing discussion question

Please answer this question in two paragraphs. QUESTION A company that is heavily engaged in international trade, beyond exporting and importing, is called a multinational corporation.  Review the information about multinational corporations in section 5-2 of your text. Describe the products you buy that are manufactured by multinational corporations. How many of them are not […]

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