
marketing unit III case study and DQ question

Unit III Case Study Case studies are an important learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides with an end […]

Discussion 10

.“Long-Term Investment and Cost-Benefit Analysis” Please respond to the following: How about Ethical bankers for a change class! 4 short videos on –“Micro-credit” in Bangladesh and developing nations. also now in U.S.  Ethical banking –Prof. Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Prize Announcement for Micro-Credit President Obama giving Prof. Yunus Medal of Freedom Yunus- Microcredit in […]

Journal 4 BUS 317

Journal As discussed in your textbook, children represent a significant consumer group with increasing purchasing power. While marketing to children has its benefits, it also carries some ethical concern. Review the “Advertising to Children: Child’s Play?” section in Chapter 11 of your textbook. Then, reflect on the extent to which advertising to children is ethical […]

i need a paper

Signature Assignment:  The Entrapreneurial Manager Organization’s mission, vision, & values Explain how these values will be aligned to your own personal brand identity, ethics, and values when doing business, planning strategies, and solving problems.  Discuss at least two concepts from class that are elements of a marketing plan and are important tools to your entrepreneurial […]

discusion board/kotter 8 step process

However, IF you had to select one (1) of the eight tenets as the “most important” which one would it be? Please explain WHY you have chosen this particular tenet. in one paragraph Google Kotter’s 8-step Change model -Change Management Tools create build form enlist enable generzte sustain institute

mgm101 250 words

Assignment 3 Chapter 5 1.Describe a product you like that you believe more people should purchase. As a marketer, how would you reposition the product in the cusomer’s mind to increase its purchase? Outline your strategy. Create a new tagline for this product.Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment.  I expect your response to […]

Mission 1

Locate a print advertisement for a consumer business or product that is not nationally recognized. (Note: the advertisement can be a social media print advertisement, but the product or business cannot be known nationally, meaning it cannot be purchased in all parts of the nation, just in the local area.) Write a three to four […]

Strategic Integrated Marketing Plan

About Your Signature Assignment This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignment may be graded with an automated rubric that allows […]

Week 2 Discussion

“The Tata Nano: The Peopleâs Car (A) and Maslowâs Hierarchy of Needs” Please respond to the following: From the case study, categorize the Nanoâs marketing segments that have the greatest influence on its sales. Assume you are the marketing manager at Tata responsible for consumer marketing. In your own words, outline a plan that Tata […]

Signature Assignment: The Entrepreneurial Marketing Manager

PLEASE DO NOT USE “I” and include an Introduction and Conclusion. Assignment Steps Resources: Marketing: Ch. 7: pg. 177-191; Ch. 16: pg. 438-440; Week 5 video Scenario: Imagine you are an entrepreneur launching a business planning to operate both domestically and abroad. You are currently developing your marketing plan and strategies.  Develop a 1,050-word analysis addressing […]

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